Observe Them, But Don’t Take On Their Energy
You're now listening to Hack and Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. How do you deal with other people's views of you? What do other people think of you? Sometimes not well. Sometimes I let it get to me and I take on exactly what you said. You mean they've got their insecurities, their problems and they just want you to be miserable too. And so, when they come up, I just try to look at it as an observer, right? As opposed to taking it personally because people are going to do it all the time and they do it all the time, but you don't take on their baggage, you process it. Take two seconds to go. This is not something I need to do or take on and then I put it away because man, it just gets after and after and after you. So it's a process.
Valuing The Shortages To Create Abundance (Copy)
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Positive momentum and negative momentum. When things happen that are crappy, they seem to happen one after another. It affects your attitude, your mindset, everything. And when good things happen, the key is always to keep your foot on the gas and get back to basics. Always grind. Put people in your corner who support encourage you. And what you did, which I love is you were taking every situation in life, you even when you had the chip going back to what you said at the beginning of this interview, when you had the chip on your shoulder, you didn't say, what was it you said, you know what? I'm going to take what I don't have. And I'm going to make something of that. Everything you did was in your favor. Using it in your favor to drive you to do the things that would drive your success and I think that's a phenomenal lesson that everything is good and bad.
Dead Serious? Get Buried. Loosen Up For Ongoing Success
The greatest human disease, the greatest thing I think that can hold you back not only in life but particularly in business is seriousness. Seriousness is a disease. You gotta relax. You got to be able to enjoy things and not take things so seriously, not lean into things so much. Let things come to you. It's what professor Caldini talks about in his book Persuasion. Caldini being the great professor that wrote the Canon on Influence also talks about pre-suede, talks about the greatest sales are made before the guy before the prospect ever comes to you and it's all part of this process.
Shut Out The Shit – On Your Rails Toward Success
You've gotta have swiftness. You have to have efficiency. You have to be able to be okay with confrontation. You have to be okay having thick skin. You have to be okay in your case having trolls. Some people are going to hate you. Some people are not going to like you. It doesn't matter. You have to be on rails moving towards the destination and the best way to do that is as you've very well discovered my friend is by not taking it seriously.
Finding Black Belt Mentors To Coach You To Success
Do not work in a vacuum. What I mean by that is that there are people out there in the world, who have done what you want to do and you can find these people and incentivize them to work with you. Incentivize them to help you, to coach you, to train you, to get what they want. I think your podcast is about fitness yeah? So if you want to become fit, very interesting. So I train Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I'm a student beginner um but I've been training for some years now and my philosophy with martial arts and I've done martial arts for a lot of years is if you want to learn, you find somebody who's at a much higher level and is where you want to be and once you learn how that person got where they are, ask them to mentor you. Ask them to coach you and get at that level with them. Train at their level.
Thinking Out of The Box Or Crushing The Box?
Most CEOs that are where they're at, we tend to think that people that are CEOs are these people that have gone to school and done you know the things by the book and they come out like this no and I teach this all the time to my students, my students in my amazon course is that those guys are the smartest in the room for a reason and that reason is not that they've played by the rules. The reason is they didn't think outside the box. They crushed the box. These are real next-level thinkers.
Are You Asking For What You Want?
If you want to get somebody to become endeared to you or to endear yourself to someone isn't to offer them something because what happens when we offer something that someone immediately one of Cal Dini professional Cal Dinis principles of influence comes into play the sixth principle of influence, which is reciprocity. We think, oh, shit, this guy's giving me something he's gonna want something back. He's gonna have expectations. All my guards go up and boom, instead, this is a great life hack.
The Real Deal – Perform Or Perish
It's true. There's no participation prize in the real world. There's no participation prize on Amazon, you don't get an honorable mention for having good intentions. So you have to go out there ready to crush and if you can't handle that, get a job, go work for someone and sell or be a socialist. There are plenty of countries that would love to have you as a socialist, you know, and I know there's a whole political movement of like, oh, everybody should be free and give the money away and feed the homeless and you know what? Get three kids and start an Amazon business. See how socialist you are? You won't be that socialist once you have written your checks. Go read Ein Rand the fountain header atlas shrugged and let's see if your philosophy doesn't change a little bit.
They Are Waiting For You, Go Out There…
Think what's exciting about this conversation of aggregators is before this became a thing where the stock market was pushing money saying go buy companies and roll them up, you had to go find a suitor. You had to go find a similar company, a bigger company in your niche and say hey, look I got a soap your biggest soap seller. Let's buy my company.
Who Bends First?
So learning the subtleties and nuances and the cultural differences wherever you're at is super important. Similarly, you know if you're going to be negotiating with gangbangers there's a culture there. If you're going to be negotiating with corporate business people, there's a culture there.
Believe You Can? Believe You Can’t? You Are Right…
Everything is possible. I truly believe that not just as a meme but somebody said if you believe you can or if you believe you can't you're right and so a lot of that comes down to mindset and the better question maybe is the mindset still possible and the answer is of course yes. Things change with time.
Prepare, Act, Watch And Adapt…
And if you are equipped to move with that change you will do well but if you are not then the world will pass you by. So you have to be ready and willing to move with the changes, move with the flow you know. I am a student of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. So I've been taking Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for almost five years now and it's one of the interesting things when you get on the map. It's a grappling art Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for anybody who hasn't heard of it. Once you get on the map you might have a plan. Okay, I'm going to do this, I'm going to get the guy in this position, I'm going to do that but your opponent might be doing something completely different. You have no control over what the opponent's going to do and that changes the entire game.
Willing To Go The Distance Against The Naysayers?
You have to be willing to go the road alone if you have to. The first thing I learned is that people are very quick to tell you that things are impossible and when I started herbal ecstasy back in the early 90s, I remember all I heard was that it was impossible but I had a flaw and that was I didn't listen to anybody and not only that I didn't know that it was impossible. Just because they're saying it's impossible, I didn't want it to be impossible.
Spot Your Moment Of Fortune
But as far as just you know entrepreneurship and business goes I mean like they say you know if there’s blood in the street buy real estate. Dude, there was blood in the street and a lot a lot of wealth was created and now like we’re in l.a like everything’s open. People aren’t wearing masks and stuff and you’re looking around and I’m like people are back to buying 7.50 lattes on the corner here and like it’s almost like nothing changed
Chasing Excellence Or Money?
Is that chasing money never works and I coach people and I know you coach people too is to chase excellence not money because the difference in lifestyle between having a hundred million dollars and having a billion dollars you know it’s it really doesn’t have to be that different? You can have everything that you ever wanted in life with a hundred million dollars.
Does Amazon FBA Organically Increase Your Sales?
Amazon recently launched their online marketing program called Amazon Marketing University. In April of 2021, Amazon launched an affiliate program called Amazon Associate Program.
Is Amazon FBA A Good Business Decision In 2022?
Amazon's latest big news - Amazon Course Online - has generated a lot of excitement amongst entrepreneurs, and rightly so. Amazon has clearly positioned itself as the leader in the online home selling industry, and its cloud services are clearly set to revolutionize how people do business. It's a bold move by Amazon FBA
How Can I Find Suppliers For Amazon FBA?
So, you're wondering how can I find suppliers for Amazon FBA? Well, there are many Amazon training program out there on the Internet that claim to be able to teach you how to sell on Amazon. However, if you ever had the misfortune of having your Amazon account banned then you know how difficult it can be. What's worse is the fact that you probably lost a bunch of money as well.