Transforming Your Weaknesses Into Success Stories
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. People are afraid of success. People are afraid of failure and sometimes with good reason. It doesn't mean that you are tied to that fate. I know you're in the business of coaching and success coaching and hypnosis. It doesn't mean that anybody's tied to that faith but until they realize how bad they suck, they're never going to get better.
Everything Is Possible Once The Attitude Is Right
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyenne and his co-host Bart Baggett. You know, when people look at you and they look at successes, they think oh, the road to success is easy and or it's not riddled with challenges or obstacles. And that's all it's riddled with and so much self-doubt. You brought it up at a perfect time so much self-doubt in the impossible all you heard was possible, but you took that on as a challenge whatever lit that fire under your butt to say, yeah I'll show them and a lot of great successes that I've had on the show were challenged that they couldn't do it, and they wanted to just show the world you're wrong, I'm right. I can do it. But you give such hope to any entrepreneur willing to hustle.
Developing Perspective For Life Through Difficult Times
started as an adolescent in Iran at five. I was born in Iran. We moved to Los Angeles eventually as refugees. We were political refugees when we moved here and solidly poor here. In Iran, we were well to do. Here, we were poor and we managed somehow to buy a house in an up-and-coming neighborhood an Enclave of Los Angeles called Pacific Palisades, which at the time was more hippie than up-and-coming. And my folks managed to buy a house that was an absolute disaster of a house in those days. And pretty soon around us, I saw huge houses going up. I saw great wealth coming in. It was the Reaganomics era trickle-down economics wall street wealth. Hollywood was at an all-time high. All this money was coming in but I was still the poor son of a dry cleaner. The kids growing up around me their folks had Mercedes Benzes. They would go out to restaurants.
Are You A Lion Or A Gazelle In Business?
But the fact is you have to use every tool in your arsenal and you have to find out what tools the competition isn't using and you have to jump on it. Like I don't know, but you gotta jump on it like it was a gazelle and you're a lion in savannah.
Shut Out The Shit – On Your Rails Toward Success
You've gotta have swiftness. You have to have efficiency. You have to be able to be okay with confrontation. You have to be okay having thick skin. You have to be okay in your case having trolls. Some people are going to hate you. Some people are not going to like you. It doesn't matter. You have to be on rails moving towards the destination and the best way to do that is as you've very well discovered my friend is by not taking it seriously.
Getting Into The Flow, Creating Your Own Luck
Life is about luck but it's not what you think. Luck can be created and it's about being in the flow. Uh, a great author uh Chikset Mihai who recently passed away just a few days ago wrote the great book Flow and he talks about the amazing synchronicities that could potentially happen when you're in the flow. I've been lucky my whole life, but I believe that I have created my luck.
Make Synchronicity Your Lifestyle (Law Of Attraction)
When you are in a flow state like Stephen Cutler talks about in his book The Art of the Impossible or The Rise of Superman. If you can get yourself into this optimal performance state, into this optimal state where you are in the flow, opportunities start coming to you. You find yourself becoming more in sync with things that are going on around you and that's called synchronicity. You want something and the person who can provide that thing to you appears sitting next to you on a park bench or he's the guy at a restaurant that you don't drop something and you pick it up and you're there. It's the way the world works. I don't know why it works that way. Some people say oh the art of it the law of attraction, the art of manifestation all that is. I'll tell you what it is. It's hard work. No substitute for it. No hack for hard work.
Finding Black Belt Mentors To Coach You To Success
Do not work in a vacuum. What I mean by that is that there are people out there in the world, who have done what you want to do and you can find these people and incentivize them to work with you. Incentivize them to help you, to coach you, to train you, to get what they want. I think your podcast is about fitness yeah? So if you want to become fit, very interesting. So I train Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I'm a student beginner um but I've been training for some years now and my philosophy with martial arts and I've done martial arts for a lot of years is if you want to learn, you find somebody who's at a much higher level and is where you want to be and once you learn how that person got where they are, ask them to mentor you. Ask them to coach you and get at that level with them. Train at their level.
Broad Stroked Or Specialist? – What’s Your Game?
People who do impossible things and leaders are generally broad-stroke guys, and I mean by that part is that they don't tend to get overwhelmed by the details. The people who are generally not hugely successful are far more concerned about the specialization and the this and the that and the little details of things, which is why rocket scientists aren't the wealthiest people in the world.
When Sum Total Of Successes Is Greater Than Failures, You Are Successful
The only hack that works is hard work. The only hack that works is getting out there and failing. Seeking failure and getting out there and making a mess of things so that you learn and then slowly picking yourself up dusting yourself off and doing it a little better each time until you no longer fail and then what you have to do is you have to perfect it. You have to make sure that the total size of your successes outweighs the size of your failures and then you're okay and then you're winning in life.
What Doesn’t Kill You In Business Makes You Stronger
Buddy look, you can take your shots, call yourself a victim and fall into that victim mentality or you can reach down, grab your balls, get up and fight. You can do that. You can do that. You have a set of balls for a reason, so you can get up and you can fight. You can swing. You might get knocked down again and I did over and over again until one day I didn't anymore but you learn. You become tougher. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger and it's that grit, that resilience, that ability to create this thick skin that makes you invincible. It's what made our ancestors invincible.
Trickle Up Economics Explained
So now you're going to go buy $1,000 worth of product from distributor A This MLM. And for those of you guys who don't know, it's multi-level marketing effectively. And I hope I'm not offending anybody involved in multi-level marketing, but many people do believe that it is very similar to a Ponzi scheme. Because the people at the top of the pyramid, make money, every time product is sold down the line.
Strategic Valuation Of Your Brand
So I was looking through these and so there's a lot of brokers around the country you get on their email list and I'm just like which one of these can we take on amazon because most of these are crap businesses that I wouldn't want to own. I'm sorry that they built them for 20 years and they're going to go down the tubes but it's good because I was able to look at the earnings, look at the language, start understanding how people buy and sell businesses and that's not an area that I was familiar with more than three years ago. So that's something very interesting which helps you understand you're building an asset whether it's a house or whether it's a product and you make it sell that asset and walk away That to me is exciting about the amazon platform.
Build 3rd Party Social Footprint For Your Brand
So whatever service business you're in or product business those reviews show up and they're probably not on your platform. I have hundreds of reviews on Shaheen, on my computer but they're not necessarily on amazon, on google maps, or each website because I don't own all those platforms. I have to go dig them up, put them in a graphic, put a photograph on them, put them in an email like we're talking about 20 years worth of reviews.
Who Bends First?
So learning the subtleties and nuances and the cultural differences wherever you're at is super important. Similarly, you know if you're going to be negotiating with gangbangers there's a culture there. If you're going to be negotiating with corporate business people, there's a culture there.
Prepare, Act, Watch And Adapt…
And if you are equipped to move with that change you will do well but if you are not then the world will pass you by. So you have to be ready and willing to move with the changes, move with the flow you know. I am a student of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. So I've been taking Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for almost five years now and it's one of the interesting things when you get on the map. It's a grappling art Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for anybody who hasn't heard of it. Once you get on the map you might have a plan. Okay, I'm going to do this, I'm going to get the guy in this position, I'm going to do that but your opponent might be doing something completely different. You have no control over what the opponent's going to do and that changes the entire game.
Believe And Prepare To Get The Job Done…
Are you planning on going out there and making it be like a casino like hey, I'm gonna throw you know chips on these numbers, and if it hits my number's great, if not then I guess this wasn't meant for me, or are you gonna go out there and no matter what it takes, get that win? You're going to make that nail go through that piece of wood. If you're going to use a hammer, a sledgehammer, a shotgun, your wrist whatever it is, don't use your wrist but a rock whatever it is that nail is going to go through.
Are You A Leader Or A Micro Manager?
People who do impossible things, people that are leaders are generally broad-stroke guys and what I mean by that part is that they don't tend to get overwhelmed by the details. The people who are generally not hugely successful are far more concerned about the specialization and the this and the that and the little details of things which is the reason why rocket scientists aren't the wealthiest people in the world.
Understanding Natural Intelligence To Your Advantage
Is don't be an idiot. Don't go jump out of a window and be like I see I'm ben. Because gravity will win. There are certain natural laws that you can never go against and come out better for but intelligently there are little things that you can do.
Self Realization Of Strengths And Weaknesses = Right Energy
But rather that they've known themselves they understand themselves that they understand their strengths and they understand their weaknesses and they've come to a place of reconciliation with who they are no. They know that purity rubs off on a person. Yeah, people like if you meet somebody like that you just can't help but want to help.