Overcoming Adversities By Building Inner Strength
You're now listening to Hack and Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. I know that there's, you know, there's a lot of people probably listening to the story with besides the fact that it's completely entertaining and they're going okay, George like what's the point here? And here's the point and the reason. I want you guys to start listening more is that success leaves clues. Look, I could go on and on about Shaahin, how like you had nothing, you know you hustled, you did whatever you had to do. I mean we're obviously, we're not promoting drugs and things. But that's not the point here. You guys got to listen to the fact that he was determined. He was recognizing certain things. He was persistent. But one of the questions I was going to ask you is what gave you this sense of, you know, from moving to the United States, right? And everything this constant sense of what looking for success and why that didn't appeal to you being a doctor, but why doing this did or being on your own, like, what were you when you grew up? Were your parents instilling in you this idea that you wanted to be successful or do you think you just because I mean, I'm not a big believer that people are just born wanting to be successful? It's usually a product of their environment. What is it that gave you that drive? What do you think?
Staying Ahead Of The Game…
You're now listening to Hack and Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. You know, but again, you know, that's another quality of successful guys. I'm sure you are too, Rob, is you know that we're all fiercely competitive, right? So it's kind of one of the marks of being, you know, and alpha and being successful in business, you know, all the guys, I know who are successful in business are incredibly competitive human beings.
Being Pulled Down By Others?
You're now listening to Hack and Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. And you know, I learned this, you know during the Ecstasy days, like just you got to stop giving a. Like you just can't because people will on your entrepreneurial journey, bring you down whenever they can, A - because they want to get you on their level or below and B - because it makes you more relatable to them.
Sound (Sonic) Technology: Future Of Vaping
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Where do you see vaping moving in the future? Do you think that inhalation is going to be a means of delivery for other things like medications, I've seen one vape that was caffeine, right? Yeah, I spent a lot of time building this technology for pharma companies as well. All the big pharma companies, all the big tobacco companies were very interested and I've built several iterations of vaporizers using sound sonic technology.
Living In The Present? Future Or Past?
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Mindfulness for me in my life is presented. It's the ability to, as the great author, Ramdas Richard Albert would say be here now, be able to be a real person, an authentic person, which is the first and foremost component to it. Just be real be who you are. And that brings about the ability to be present. To be present for your family, to be present for your friends, and to take a moment to realize that. It all came and it'll all go.
Scale Your Success Percentages With Your Disconnect Factor
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. So you have been known to lose your mind at times, have you? I try to lose my mind a little bit every day and it's more important than, you know, okay, so I'll give you my dirty little secret, which I don't live on air a lot. I like to make prank calls. It's one of my favorite things. I do multiple characters. I can do a Persian guy that speaks like these. How are you? I'm Mr. Irani. I can do a Russian guy who Panama Chiba is rusky.
Using Humor As A Secret Weapon To Be Successful In Life
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahiin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Seriousness is a disease. It is not a quality to be admired. Whenever you look at people that are like super tight and they're sphincter as wound up, super tight and they're just very serious about things. There's something else in their life that's imbalanced. You look at the great people in history. I guarantee you they had rip-roaring laughs. You look at Albert Einstein, you look at John Rockefeller, you look at any of these people throughout history. They reach these incredible heights of success and you'll find antidotes of them being funny. Mark Twain is a great example of it. Oscar Wilde is another example of it. Alan Watts, you look at any of these great people throughout history. They didn't take themselves seriously. It's only the that take themselves seriously.
Blink And You Will Be Eaten, Think And You Will Stay Ahead
So I had another quote for you, um but then when I saw this quote uh I was like well let's make this the quote of the episode - While you are sleeping, your enemies are planning your demise. So what does this mean to you? Everyone's too fragile. Everybody has thin skin. Everybody's thinking man maybe I won't get first place. I'll win a consolation prize. I'll win second place. All you know I don't I can just take it easy. Whatever you're thinking right now, google it. 50,000 people are thinking it. Whatever you want to do, there are a million people out there better than you who could do it and if you close your eyes in the time it takes you to blink, there are 50 other guys who were just waiting for that opportunity to take over your share of the market.
Shut Out The Shit – On Your Rails Toward Success
You've gotta have swiftness. You have to have efficiency. You have to be able to be okay with confrontation. You have to be okay having thick skin. You have to be okay in your case having trolls. Some people are going to hate you. Some people are not going to like you. It doesn't matter. You have to be on rails moving towards the destination and the best way to do that is as you've very well discovered my friend is by not taking it seriously.
Broad Stroked Or Specialist? – What’s Your Game?
People who do impossible things and leaders are generally broad-stroke guys, and I mean by that part is that they don't tend to get overwhelmed by the details. The people who are generally not hugely successful are far more concerned about the specialization and the this and the that and the little details of things, which is why rocket scientists aren't the wealthiest people in the world.
What Doesn’t Kill You In Business Makes You Stronger
Buddy look, you can take your shots, call yourself a victim and fall into that victim mentality or you can reach down, grab your balls, get up and fight. You can do that. You can do that. You have a set of balls for a reason, so you can get up and you can fight. You can swing. You might get knocked down again and I did over and over again until one day I didn't anymore but you learn. You become tougher. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger and it's that grit, that resilience, that ability to create this thick skin that makes you invincible. It's what made our ancestors invincible.
Serving Others To Serve Your Purpose…
I always tell people to see what you can do for them. See what you can do for others first when you're trying to enter into that kind of relationship. Don't come at it with what can this person do for me? Right? What do you do? Oh, okay. Yeah, yes, I'm not interested in that and you're gone. See what you can bring them, see what you can help them and what they can do for you will come naturally.
Be Passionate About Learning The Trade … All The Time
What are some of the mistakes that people make? What's the biggest mistake that people make on Amazon? And I think this goes kind of to what you and I talk about often is one of the biggest mistakes that people make in life. Also, I think it's just going into something with some knowledge, thinking that you don't need to learn the fundamentals. Because it's like that adage, you know, one of the students who go to the master, and the Masters pouring tea, and he goes all Master, will you teach me in the master has the tea kettle, and he pours the tea into his cup and the tea pours over and fills the table and he goes, Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing? And he says, I can't teach you. And he says Why? Why can't you teach me? He says because your cups are already full. Come back when your cup is empty.
Planning Earn Outs Beyond Cash
I always tell people to look, if you can take cash off the table as much cash as you can get, my recommendation for amazon sellers is, if you get aggregators or if you get into a position where you can create a bidding war bidding frenzy like happens with a lot of our companies and brands that we sell.
Prepare, Act, Watch And Adapt…
And if you are equipped to move with that change you will do well but if you are not then the world will pass you by. So you have to be ready and willing to move with the changes, move with the flow you know. I am a student of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. So I've been taking Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for almost five years now and it's one of the interesting things when you get on the map. It's a grappling art Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for anybody who hasn't heard of it. Once you get on the map you might have a plan. Okay, I'm going to do this, I'm going to get the guy in this position, I'm going to do that but your opponent might be doing something completely different. You have no control over what the opponent's going to do and that changes the entire game.
Believe And Prepare To Get The Job Done…
Are you planning on going out there and making it be like a casino like hey, I'm gonna throw you know chips on these numbers, and if it hits my number's great, if not then I guess this wasn't meant for me, or are you gonna go out there and no matter what it takes, get that win? You're going to make that nail go through that piece of wood. If you're going to use a hammer, a sledgehammer, a shotgun, your wrist whatever it is, don't use your wrist but a rock whatever it is that nail is going to go through.
The Combat Mindset – Adaptable, Flexible And Compatible
And that's the mindset you want to be in. You want to be like you know what I'm I don't know what it's going to take but I'm adaptable. I know that the world is changing and I know that everything changes. Combat is a changeable environment. As Bruce Lee said, be like water. Why did he say be like water? Well, because water takes the shape of whatever it's in. It's unclear what water is going to be poured in, but if it gets poured in a vase then it takes the shape of the vase. If it gets spilled on the rock it goes around the rock. If it hits the soil, it gets absorbed in the soil, and if you can master that the world's your oyster.
Know Your Risk Number?
Like there is a risk. There's risk involved in each person has a different scale of the risk that they're willing to take and whether it's fighting, whether it's Covid, whether it's business, life, whatever risk is inherent and as a former fighter I went into it knowing I'm risking my health. Okay, I could have brain damage, I could get knocked out, could break a limb, could get stitches, could fracture my eye socket.
Developing Skills To Use The Power Of Influence
If you're able to influence somebody, money is just one way to influence people. It's the easiest way. If I want something that you have, I give you money. You give me that thing. Great, but he would point around wherever we were at a meeting he says everything around you has been sold, transferred from one person to the next, and not always with money in hand. So there are lots of different ways to be able to influence people so I learned at a very early age through his mentorship the art of influence.
Self Realization Of Strengths And Weaknesses = Right Energy
But rather that they've known themselves they understand themselves that they understand their strengths and they understand their weaknesses and they've come to a place of reconciliation with who they are no. They know that purity rubs off on a person. Yeah, people like if you meet somebody like that you just can't help but want to help.