The Art Of Failing To Win Big…
I think, in general, this is an unpopular view. Not everybody is meant to be entrepreneurial. Some people are better off working for other people. Yeah, the fact is, when you ask people, you know, you ask wealthy people, successful people. Why are you successful? They will invariably come back to say I'm passionate about what I do. Ask Mark Zuckerberg. Why why? Why did you succeed and all these other people? I'm passionate about social media. I'm passionate about this. It's really. This Scott Adams says in his book, how to fail at almost everything and still win big. It's something. Yeah, I love that book. I love it. It's a great book. And I, you know, he talks about this and the fact is most people are going to fail.
Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do
I was 15 years old thinking I want to find wealth, fortune all the great things that America offers. Books were my friends. I read books by Napoleon Hill, books by Og Mandino, all the great old-time writers of that time. I read Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer and all the personal development guys. This other guy is named Stuart Wilde. I read his books and I thought, man, you know what? I'm gonna leave home and I left home. I left and I was sleeping at that time in abandoned buildings or buildings that were under construction. Los Angeles was in a huge building boom at that time. So I realized that I could get into these buildings late at night when the brokers weren't in there, wake up in the morning before they got there and I'd be out and I'd be living in luxury houses, maybe there wasn't electricity or water in those days in some of the places because they weren't built yet but it was a safe place to lay my head and after that, I realized that there was a big electronic music scene.
Understanding Natural Intelligence To Your Advantage
Is don't be an idiot. Don't go jump out of a window and be like I see I'm ben. Because gravity will win. There are certain natural laws that you can never go against and come out better for but intelligently there are little things that you can do.
Developing Skills To Use The Power Of Influence
If you're able to influence somebody, money is just one way to influence people. It's the easiest way. If I want something that you have, I give you money. You give me that thing. Great, but he would point around wherever we were at a meeting he says everything around you has been sold, transferred from one person to the next, and not always with money in hand. So there are lots of different ways to be able to influence people so I learned at a very early age through his mentorship the art of influence.
Put A Dent In The Universe – Bring Value To Your Game
Don’t lean in you know when you go into the world being like dude I’m gonna make a million dollars and I’m gonna go out there and I’m gonna get the most beautiful girl. The guys that talk like that think like that guys and girls that talk like that think like that they never get it. It’s pushed further and further away from them.
Core Pillars To Invest In For Recurring Revenue Growth
Have foundational thinking. Take the time to invest in four foundations. The first foundation should be some type of real estate. Even if you don’t have money to invest in real estate you can start learning about it now. Your time in learning about cash flow, positive real estate is an investment. That’s a pillar. Everybody in this country should have some investment in real estate and there are other ways to do it.
Working On The Go – Freedom From Office Hours
Is that you always need people to captain the trains and to ride the boats and someone’s always got to drive the train and what that means is that the people that really want to build their lifestyle of freedom and with recurring revenue and using these algorithms and finding good mentorship and mentorship programs that they can be involved in to invest in their well-being but also invest in their personal development.
The One Key Mantra To Succeed As An Amazon Seller
You know it is as it goes from blue ocean to red ocean right one of the terms we use to kind of describe things you have to constantly be refining and a lot of people I mean think like much like yourself feel alone going at it. Alone because they’re in there and they’re like man amazon’s not answering my calls. I just get some dude in India you know. The phone keeps getting disconnected because Amazon doesn’t really care about you as a seller is the first dirty secret of amazon.
Overcoming Adversity Through Resilience
And it's just like jumping out of a plane right? We jump out of a plane, oh the parachute didn't work right? Okay, so the first time you do that you might freak out. The second time you might say, okay so I know what to do. Here's the checklist. I've got a backup parachute. I've got three other cords. I can untangle it. You know the right things to do and really that's what it's about. You know they don't really care about it.
Planning For Active And Passive Income
That’s cash flow positive real estate, great. More wealth is built in this country by real estate than than pretty much anything else right. You should have one one area of your business that’s you know in the stock market and then another area that pays you to work you know. If you’re still in the business of selling your hours which I know a lot of us have gotten out of but if you’re doing that and that’s the money that you’re bringing in for your rent, your family whatever that’s respectable. But you have those pillars.
Using Adversity To Fuel Greatness
Because we have grit that’s the thing. If you look at Iranians, Armenians, Koreans you know Chinese and anybody that comes to this country as an immigrant, you know life is very different outside of the united states and where I came from Iran even though I was very young when I left there we would leave home as a five-year-old and I’d be running with a little five-year-old gang of kids and we’d be doing all kinds of stuff.
Following Your Passion Or Parents’ Dreams?
We just have a different mindset than say someone's growing up here in a more comfortable life. It's like we our parents came here to make a better life for their kids not for themselves. They knew that hopefully being in America would present more opportunities and for your parents it was hey go be a doctor, go be the Jewish person out there with the nine to five working all day.
Right Person For The Right Goal…
When you see people you can only help them past a certain level where they’re at and if you pick people up too fast and too high, their little legs will be dangling and they will hate you for it and that happens a lot of the time when people help other people out and that person hasn’t asked for it. That person is at a different level and they they can’t comprehend that world that they’ve just been thrown into. So a lot of the times that’s that’s the reason why that happens.