The One Key Mantra To Succeed As An Amazon Seller
You know it is as it goes from blue ocean to red ocean right one of the terms we use to kind of describe things you have to constantly be refining and a lot of people I mean think like much like yourself feel alone going at it. Alone because they’re in there and they’re like man amazon’s not answering my calls. I just get some dude in India you know. The phone keeps getting disconnected because Amazon doesn’t really care about you as a seller is the first dirty secret of amazon.
Plan For Life Prosperity, Not Probability
And the students that I have the ones that I can tell are going to succeed are the ones who don’t look at it like it’s a roulette table right. They don’t think like hey, I threw the little ball in the thing and it went around and landed on my number right. They look at it as I’m gonna hit this nail in the head until it goes in and if the hammer doesn’t work, I’m gonna use a sledgehammer. If that doesn’t work I’m gonna use a rock. Whatever it takes, I’m gonna get it done. Those are the guys that that make it.
Following Your Passion Or Parents’ Dreams?
We just have a different mindset than say someone's growing up here in a more comfortable life. It's like we our parents came here to make a better life for their kids not for themselves. They knew that hopefully being in America would present more opportunities and for your parents it was hey go be a doctor, go be the Jewish person out there with the nine to five working all day.
Selling Your Story Or Products?
I think in general I’ll tell you the number one problem that most entrepreneurs have and that’s that they have the old way of thinking. Most entrepreneurs think to themselves dude I’m gonna Randy, I’m gonna go out there and create a better mousetrap and the world that’s going to beat its way to my door and quickly they learn that in this world of social media and all these types of things that nobody gives a that you have a better mousetrap.
Measuring Risk And Dealing With Authentic Growth Hacks
So there are lots of ways, lots of hacks to do that but you know no one there’s no one thing that you’re gonna do that’s gonna make your thing pop. You got to think again, yeah you got to think foundational. You got to do all of that stuff and then truly you know I’m going to give a disclaimer that I don’t recommend anybody do anything black hat against terms of service but again you know most people do a little white hat greyhound little black hat stuff you know and that’s the way the world goes around.
The Power Of Your Charisma
That at the end of the day, what was Steve Jobs doing? What was Bill Gates did when he sat in that room creating all that code for windows? He was communicating with people. Steve Jobs was influencing people. So to bend reality you have to be unreasonable and you have to be able to have that power of influence which comes through what you very astutely observed charisma.
Chasing Excellence Or Money?
Is that chasing money never works and I coach people and I know you coach people too is to chase excellence not money because the difference in lifestyle between having a hundred million dollars and having a billion dollars you know it’s it really doesn’t have to be that different? You can have everything that you ever wanted in life with a hundred million dollars.
Managing Inheritance, Insurance, Alimony, Or Lottery Gains
Whereas and I tell people this all the time. I say look, if you get an inheritance or you get divorced, this could be one or two windfalls your whole life. So don’t blow it. Like most people don’t get a 10 million dollar check every month. Like it’s once when your parents die or once when your grandma and so be very mindful if you ever get that windfall and don’t be like a lottery mentality and go buy a bunch of new cars.
Secrets Of Making And Keeping Wealth
So I think getting wealthy is the same thing if you don’t have the discipline to earn it or to save or to live miserly. We had a whole episode on how miserly you are and I thought it was hilarious how you still use coupons and so does my dad you know very very wealthy people but they have discipline.
Right Person For The Right Goal…
When you see people you can only help them past a certain level where they’re at and if you pick people up too fast and too high, their little legs will be dangling and they will hate you for it and that happens a lot of the time when people help other people out and that person hasn’t asked for it. That person is at a different level and they they can’t comprehend that world that they’ve just been thrown into. So a lot of the times that’s that’s the reason why that happens.
Are You Head Strong, Heart Smart, And Gut Ready?
People have all kinds of issues, and it’s rarely about you. So, you know, if somebody you know, goes off on you for no reason, you know, that’s about them. That’s not about you. So we had him on the show anyway. And it was kind of you know, it was kind of a weird show, which just kind of goes to show that you got to trust your intuition, which from this point forward, I am much more trusting my intuition.
Smart Money Management
So you don’t want to always be thinking that you’re poor. I think you did a great thing. When the lady is like that’s 28 so her world, in her reality was 28 dollars is a lot of money. You could tell by the emotion of her voice but you don’t want your son thinking that. You don’t want to think that because that gives you a stuckness about things. It’s like risking money in a real estate transaction or the stock market.
Developing Influence And Discipline
But we’re making micro moves to get ourselves in a better position or in a less shitty position depending on where you’re at. Until you can you can achieve freedom and at the end of the day, you’ve got to have an unshakable self-belief as Richard Koch talks about in his book Unreasonable Success and how to achieve it.
Is It OK To Do Things You Hate In A Startup?
So the first thing I’m gonna tell you and this is a little contradictory to what some people say. The first thing that I’ll tell you is that somebody told me once that if you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life. That doesn’t mean you won’t wake up and go to a job. It just means that because you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work and so the first key is picking something that you don’t hate.
Stage Your Growth Using Feedback Loops
You can’t start with a product or a business that’s gonna feel to you like a steel wall. You need to go for low-hanging fruit, something that’s a little bit easier. Why? Because it’s gonna constantly be bringing feedback to you. So it’s gonna close that loop for you and open up the opportunity for you to start taking harder and harder challenges and that’s really the trick to this is that you need to find something that will feed your feedback loop and you can close that loop.
Struggling Or Flowing In Business/Life?
And I do a lot of difficult things. I solve a lot of tricky problems but when I look at my life and I look at my work, I never think to myself that it’s hard and I don’t think that life in general really was ever meant to be a struggle. People that are struggling usually aren’t the same people that are succeeding so if you can let go of struggle and get into the flow and there’s a lot of great tactics for doing that you’ll be in a far better place in life.
What Is Stick-to-itiveness In Business?
It’s a numbers game, you know, and there’s a personality style that’s right for it. And I think you know if you can thrive in that business, which effectively at some point becomes a door-to-door sales. Like how can vacuum cleaner sales is not that much different. Like we see the old salesman or like, you know, sticks his foot in the door and tosses a cup of dirt and like people don’t go Like you do, and he goes on with the vacuum and makes the sale.
The 4 Foundations Of Building A Profitable Business
So success doesn’t come in, like it’s not like a casino, right? Where you’re like, you roll the dice or, you know, you put that wheel in the thing and hope it runs on your number. The way that it works is, is that you build different foundations. So if you think of it as building a building, right, one foundation should always be cash flow, real estate.
Mastering The Art To Communicate In Business
Learning the language that you need to be able to speak to that specific niche is going to be the difference between succeeding and failing. So I’m sure in your industry, Enriquez, there’s a certain language, and over the many years that you’ve become a master, agent, a broker selling properties.
Right Mindset, Right Mentoring = Right Results
Usually, you have a set path in life and unless that path is disrupted you will have a tendency to go for wherever inertia will take you. Most kids these days I mean look at 15-year-olds now right they don’t I mean they don’t know how to wipe their own butts. Much less like going out there and starting a company right. Do you have any kids? “No”. Okay, so most kids like I’ve got nephews who I just look at and I’m like oh my god like they’re you know I’ve got one nephew who’s in his teens and I really would like him to be more proactive like he is far from starting a business.