The Markets Are Moved By Human Emotion
And the one thing that I learned Bart from all of this and I think this is going to answer your question is that the markets are not based on much more than one thing and that element is human emotion. The markets are moved by emotion and they are not reasonable or logical. If they were reasonable or logical we would all figure it out. We would be like Jim Simmons who runs renaissance funds, who's one of the most intelligent guys I've ever heard of, who's got a fund that allegedly you know has never failed and made money year after year and you know he's one of the masters of quant trading. If you're not one of those guys and there's maybe a handful of those guys on the planet.
Investing Your Time Smartly For Business Success
Time. Time is the new luxury. It’s not money. It’s time. It’s freedom and being able to do what you want, when you want, where you want, and with who you want. That’s what we’re all chasing. That’s what we’re all after and there’s a few different ways now to make that possible. But creating these recurring revenue streams it’s not randy getting rich quick, it’s not. Hey guys, check out my Lambo, check out my Ferrari, check out my Porsche. I mean I have all that.
Working On The Go – Freedom From Office Hours
Is that you always need people to captain the trains and to ride the boats and someone’s always got to drive the train and what that means is that the people that really want to build their lifestyle of freedom and with recurring revenue and using these algorithms and finding good mentorship and mentorship programs that they can be involved in to invest in their well-being but also invest in their personal development.
Plan For Life Prosperity, Not Probability
And the students that I have the ones that I can tell are going to succeed are the ones who don’t look at it like it’s a roulette table right. They don’t think like hey, I threw the little ball in the thing and it went around and landed on my number right. They look at it as I’m gonna hit this nail in the head until it goes in and if the hammer doesn’t work, I’m gonna use a sledgehammer. If that doesn’t work I’m gonna use a rock. Whatever it takes, I’m gonna get it done. Those are the guys that that make it.
Overcoming Adversity Through Resilience
And it's just like jumping out of a plane right? We jump out of a plane, oh the parachute didn't work right? Okay, so the first time you do that you might freak out. The second time you might say, okay so I know what to do. Here's the checklist. I've got a backup parachute. I've got three other cords. I can untangle it. You know the right things to do and really that's what it's about. You know they don't really care about it.
Planning For Active And Passive Income
That’s cash flow positive real estate, great. More wealth is built in this country by real estate than than pretty much anything else right. You should have one one area of your business that’s you know in the stock market and then another area that pays you to work you know. If you’re still in the business of selling your hours which I know a lot of us have gotten out of but if you’re doing that and that’s the money that you’re bringing in for your rent, your family whatever that’s respectable. But you have those pillars.
Following Your Passion Or Parents’ Dreams?
We just have a different mindset than say someone's growing up here in a more comfortable life. It's like we our parents came here to make a better life for their kids not for themselves. They knew that hopefully being in America would present more opportunities and for your parents it was hey go be a doctor, go be the Jewish person out there with the nine to five working all day.
Selling Your Story Or Products?
I think in general I’ll tell you the number one problem that most entrepreneurs have and that’s that they have the old way of thinking. Most entrepreneurs think to themselves dude I’m gonna Randy, I’m gonna go out there and create a better mousetrap and the world that’s going to beat its way to my door and quickly they learn that in this world of social media and all these types of things that nobody gives a that you have a better mousetrap.
The Power Of Your Charisma
That at the end of the day, what was Steve Jobs doing? What was Bill Gates did when he sat in that room creating all that code for windows? He was communicating with people. Steve Jobs was influencing people. So to bend reality you have to be unreasonable and you have to be able to have that power of influence which comes through what you very astutely observed charisma.
Bending The Perception Game To Your Advantage
Now we have a tendency to think of the Russians differently but I’ll tell you something. They have less resources than we do in a lot of ways and you and I have talked about this before. It gives them more grit. They can do things that we can’t do. When you hear about Russian hacking and Russian hackers. I see it all the time on amazon. I talk to Russian hackers all the time that have amazon accounts up and are making millions of dollars selling on amazon.
Have Followers To Buy Into Your Ideas?
I think anyone that starts a movement of any significance must have been incredibly charismatic. I mean you look at the leaders around the world today, the Richard Bransons and even the Donald Trumps. Half the people were charmed by him. I mean half the united states really really got behind his version of what he thought was real and won in the election.
Secrets Of Making And Keeping Wealth
So I think getting wealthy is the same thing if you don’t have the discipline to earn it or to save or to live miserly. We had a whole episode on how miserly you are and I thought it was hilarious how you still use coupons and so does my dad you know very very wealthy people but they have discipline.
On Top of Your Game?
You want to make sure that you are on top of your game when you go into battle in any type and that applies to the business part and that’s so so brilliant that you say that because that’s really true because some days we’re off and if you off take the day off back off don’t go into battle unless you are on and it’s an on the day for you.
Getting Started With Your Business Ideas?
I mean look sometimes you can get lucky right? Sometimes you can be born into money, sometimes you can marry a rich person you know. Yeah, you can get lucky but for the majority of us that’s not gonna happen and you know there’s really you know I talk we have a podcast called hack and grow rich.
Stage Your Growth Using Feedback Loops
You can’t start with a product or a business that’s gonna feel to you like a steel wall. You need to go for low-hanging fruit, something that’s a little bit easier. Why? Because it’s gonna constantly be bringing feedback to you. So it’s gonna close that loop for you and open up the opportunity for you to start taking harder and harder challenges and that’s really the trick to this is that you need to find something that will feed your feedback loop and you can close that loop.
What Is Stick-to-itiveness In Business?
It’s a numbers game, you know, and there’s a personality style that’s right for it. And I think you know if you can thrive in that business, which effectively at some point becomes a door-to-door sales. Like how can vacuum cleaner sales is not that much different. Like we see the old salesman or like, you know, sticks his foot in the door and tosses a cup of dirt and like people don’t go Like you do, and he goes on with the vacuum and makes the sale.
The 4 Foundations Of Building A Profitable Business
So success doesn’t come in, like it’s not like a casino, right? Where you’re like, you roll the dice or, you know, you put that wheel in the thing and hope it runs on your number. The way that it works is, is that you build different foundations. So if you think of it as building a building, right, one foundation should always be cash flow, real estate.
Mastering The Art To Communicate In Business
Learning the language that you need to be able to speak to that specific niche is going to be the difference between succeeding and failing. So I’m sure in your industry, Enriquez, there’s a certain language, and over the many years that you’ve become a master, agent, a broker selling properties.
Right Mindset, Right Mentoring = Right Results
Usually, you have a set path in life and unless that path is disrupted you will have a tendency to go for wherever inertia will take you. Most kids these days I mean look at 15-year-olds now right they don’t I mean they don’t know how to wipe their own butts. Much less like going out there and starting a company right. Do you have any kids? “No”. Okay, so most kids like I’ve got nephews who I just look at and I’m like oh my god like they’re you know I’ve got one nephew who’s in his teens and I really would like him to be more proactive like he is far from starting a business.
The Immense And Intense Power Of Self Belief…
You know I think there’s an old adage that says when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Okay and for me it was really that you know, I had an unshakeable self-belief really for no good reason and I went out there and I was not going to fail. There was nothing that was going to keep me down for very long.