Investing Your Time Smartly For Business Success
Time. Time is a new luxury. It’s not money. It’s time. It’s freedom and being able to do what you want when you want, where you want, and with who you want. That’s what we’re all chasing. That’s what we’re all after and there are a few different ways now to make that possible. But creating these recurring revenue streams it’s not randy getting rich quick, it’s not. Hey guys, check out my Lambo, check out my Ferrari, check out my Porsche. I mean I have all that.
I just don’t flaunt it because I don’t need to. It’s about the hard work that it takes to build these businesses and you might mess it up the first time, you might mess it up the first 10 times but you know what you’re going to get it on that 11th time and when you do, it’ll be set up and it’ll become virtually effortless.