Spotting And Chasing Market Trends And Opportunities
You're now listening to Hack and Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. What I've learned from getting and being around seven, eight, nine-figure mentors and individuals I've been around, is that they think differently. And they see and they recognize. I know one of your strong suits has been recognizing trends and movements. Because the key is not jumping on a trend. The key is identifying behavior and when you look at things like that story there or even you know, your discussion of Amazon in general or the internet, I think what's more important than the lessons of what happened, is identifying the movements and the keys to success and the clues that are now moving at light speed, right? Now they're moving at a whole different level with NFTs and crypto and forex and things like that. So I love that that's how your brain works. Because I pointed out because I found that most super successful people that's the way they think.
Reading Great Writers Helps Leading A Successful Life
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyenne and his co-host Bart Baggett. I discovered all the great inspirational writers during the turn of the century. People like Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie's. I read the bio, I read you know people like Og Mandino, all these great, old-time, Did you like? Did you read the thinking where rich was that instrumental or? I did read Think and Grow Rich and I think it was it was pretty inspirational for me, you know, I'm not sure I agree with all the concepts in it now but back then it was exactly what I needed and I started reading up on that stuff. I started reading up on the New Age Movement. The self-development movement reading, Tony Robbins, and all these great people. And I was like, man, you know there might be a chance for me. So I took off.
Getting Into The Flow, Creating Your Own Luck
Life is about luck but it's not what you think. Luck can be created and it's about being in the flow. Uh, a great author uh Chikset Mihai who recently passed away just a few days ago wrote the great book Flow and he talks about the amazing synchronicities that could potentially happen when you're in the flow. I've been lucky my whole life, but I believe that I have created my luck.
Serving Others To Serve Your Purpose…
I always tell people to see what you can do for them. See what you can do for others first when you're trying to enter into that kind of relationship. Don't come at it with what can this person do for me? Right? What do you do? Oh, okay. Yeah, yes, I'm not interested in that and you're gone. See what you can bring them, see what you can help them and what they can do for you will come naturally.
The Real Deal – Perform Or Perish
It's true. There's no participation prize in the real world. There's no participation prize on Amazon, you don't get an honorable mention for having good intentions. So you have to go out there ready to crush and if you can't handle that, get a job, go work for someone and sell or be a socialist. There are plenty of countries that would love to have you as a socialist, you know, and I know there's a whole political movement of like, oh, everybody should be free and give the money away and feed the homeless and you know what? Get three kids and start an Amazon business. See how socialist you are? You won't be that socialist once you have written your checks. Go read Ein Rand the fountain header atlas shrugged and let's see if your philosophy doesn't change a little bit.
Who Bends First?
So learning the subtleties and nuances and the cultural differences wherever you're at is super important. Similarly, you know if you're going to be negotiating with gangbangers there's a culture there. If you're going to be negotiating with corporate business people, there's a culture there.
Developing Skills To Use The Power Of Influence
If you're able to influence somebody, money is just one way to influence people. It's the easiest way. If I want something that you have, I give you money. You give me that thing. Great, but he would point around wherever we were at a meeting he says everything around you has been sold, transferred from one person to the next, and not always with money in hand. So there are lots of different ways to be able to influence people so I learned at a very early age through his mentorship the art of influence.
If You Want To Win, Forget Plan B
It's I know exactly that burn the ship's mentality, the focus, the clarity and the like you said purity you know what I mean. It creates like there's like um I think I think what it is is you know when you have that there's no safety net, there's no plan B and it just becomes like right.
Avoiding The Investor Accountability Trap
Yeah, distribution first is a key. One that we talked about. We had great distribution with vape here. The other one was if you can help it don’t take investors. I was all excited about people wanting to invest in my company and putting money in my company and then I realized that oh dude I’ve got like 14. I’ve got to answer to now and that really was a difficult time for me and then when it came time to sell the company and have a nice exit and sell to another firm I realized that I was being held back by investors that couldn’t agree.
Investing Your Time Smartly For Business Success
Time. Time is the new luxury. It’s not money. It’s time. It’s freedom and being able to do what you want, when you want, where you want, and with who you want. That’s what we’re all chasing. That’s what we’re all after and there’s a few different ways now to make that possible. But creating these recurring revenue streams it’s not randy getting rich quick, it’s not. Hey guys, check out my Lambo, check out my Ferrari, check out my Porsche. I mean I have all that.
The One Key Mantra To Succeed As An Amazon Seller
You know it is as it goes from blue ocean to red ocean right one of the terms we use to kind of describe things you have to constantly be refining and a lot of people I mean think like much like yourself feel alone going at it. Alone because they’re in there and they’re like man amazon’s not answering my calls. I just get some dude in India you know. The phone keeps getting disconnected because Amazon doesn’t really care about you as a seller is the first dirty secret of amazon.
Overcoming Adversity Through Resilience
And it's just like jumping out of a plane right? We jump out of a plane, oh the parachute didn't work right? Okay, so the first time you do that you might freak out. The second time you might say, okay so I know what to do. Here's the checklist. I've got a backup parachute. I've got three other cords. I can untangle it. You know the right things to do and really that's what it's about. You know they don't really care about it.
The Thin Line Between Black And White Action
So there’s mixed messages and there’s vulnerabilities and if you know how to exploit those vulnerabilities you can win, which is why I oftentimes you know I get asked to talk about black hat tactics and grey hat tactics yeah you know white hat tactics and the fact is there’s nobody who is successful that just does everything strictly by uh TOS, you know terms of service you know we follow what they tell us to do.
Struggling Or Flowing In Business/Life?
And I do a lot of difficult things. I solve a lot of tricky problems but when I look at my life and I look at my work, I never think to myself that it’s hard and I don’t think that life in general really was ever meant to be a struggle. People that are struggling usually aren’t the same people that are succeeding so if you can let go of struggle and get into the flow and there’s a lot of great tactics for doing that you’ll be in a far better place in life.
What Is Stick-to-itiveness In Business?
It’s a numbers game, you know, and there’s a personality style that’s right for it. And I think you know if you can thrive in that business, which effectively at some point becomes a door-to-door sales. Like how can vacuum cleaner sales is not that much different. Like we see the old salesman or like, you know, sticks his foot in the door and tosses a cup of dirt and like people don’t go Like you do, and he goes on with the vacuum and makes the sale.
Who Can Provide a Mentorship on Amazon FBA?
If you want to get paid to work from home online and you want to know who can provide a mentorship on Amazon, eBay, then you need to find out how to do this. Most successful people in life were also successful because they had mentors who would guide them.
How to Avoid Amazon Ads For Your Ecommerce Business
There are a ton of different ways to make money online. Some of those include affiliate marketing, website building, blogging, search engine optimization, ecommerce, and a lot more. The best way to go about making money online is to choose one thing and stick to it. If you are able to do this, you will be able to avoid all the scams and headaches associated with making money through these methods. In this article, we are going to look at some of the most common mistakes that people make in their attempts to become successful online.
How To Hire The Right One Successfully
When you are looking for a successful and experienced internet marketing coach, you have two choices. You can either go through a search engine and try to find one in your area, or you can go through an Amazon affiliate program.
How to Start an Amazon FBA Store on a Shoestring
How to Start an Amazon FBA Store on a tight budget can be accomplished by learning the Amazon Way of Doing Business. Amazon is a massive e-commerce retailer that sells everything you could ever need to run your online business from the comfort of your own home.
Amazon, Where You Can Find Your Best Products to Sell on Amazon
If you are someone who has sold anything on Amazon, then you know how difficult it can be to find the best products to sell. You have probably tried everything that you could think of including Amazon reviews. Amazon reviews are not really a good way to find the top selling items to sell. Amazon offers many different types of listings, but the only real way to see what is selling is by using the Amazon Master Class program. Amazon offers their own set of criteria when it comes to listing an item, so if you want to sell on Amazon and truly see what the top sellers are doing, you will need to take advantage of the Amazon coaching program.