Investing Your Time Smartly For Business Success
Time. Time is the new luxury. It’s not money. It’s time. It’s freedom and being able to do what you want, when you want, where you want, and with who you want. That’s what we’re all chasing. That’s what we’re all after and there’s a few different ways now to make that possible. But creating these recurring revenue streams it’s not randy getting rich quick, it’s not. Hey guys, check out my Lambo, check out my Ferrari, check out my Porsche. I mean I have all that.
Spot Your Moment Of Fortune
But as far as just you know entrepreneurship and business goes I mean like they say you know if there’s blood in the street buy real estate. Dude, there was blood in the street and a lot a lot of wealth was created and now like we’re in l.a like everything’s open. People aren’t wearing masks and stuff and you’re looking around and I’m like people are back to buying 7.50 lattes on the corner here and like it’s almost like nothing changed