3 Steps To Easy Money From Illegal Immigration

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In recent years the influx in children from Central America — particularly Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador has increased beyond the government’s anticipation. Back in 2011, roughly 4,059 children entered the United States unaccompanied. By 2013, that number had risen to 21,537 children.

The Obama administration has asked Congress for an additional $3.7 Billion dollars to send them back. What if there was a way to turn the $3.7 Billion in taxpayer dollars and 50,000 immigrant children into the most useful US asset in history?

The Obama administration claims that 47,017 children, from all countries, were apprehended in the first eight months of 2014. Many of those children were Mexican migrants who were turned away at the border, rather than being allowed to stay in the US. It is nearly double the number of children that Border Patrol agents had found this time last year.

Read More Here: HUFFPOST 


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