Horses For Courses Leads To Product Success
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Yeah, one of the interesting things that I think most people don't understand is that you don't have to be a graphic designer to have great art. Similarly, with technology, you just need to be able to hire specialized knowledge. There are lots of people smarter than me who know how to do engineering, who know how to build the parts of the device, and one of the things now I'm looking at this, which is super interesting, which I don't know if they're doing now is that I made sure that none of the parts of this device that we built came in touch with the plastic components of it because I didn't believe in heating the plastic. So if you look inside the device this is all-ceramic. So we built ceramic. There's glass, there's steel inside here. I'm going through this, so I'm looking at this. I'm like dude, I did a great job building this thing. It was a nice device to build but you can hire people, so anytime you want to build anything there are people out there nerds who live on that technology kind of thing and they'd love to do that without burning yet.
Living In The Present? Future Or Past?
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Mindfulness for me in my life is presented. It's the ability to, as the great author, Ramdas Richard Albert would say be here now, be able to be a real person, an authentic person, which is the first and foremost component to it. Just be real be who you are. And that brings about the ability to be present. To be present for your family, to be present for your friends, and to take a moment to realize that. It all came and it'll all go.
Transforming Your Weaknesses Into Success Stories
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. People are afraid of success. People are afraid of failure and sometimes with good reason. It doesn't mean that you are tied to that fate. I know you're in the business of coaching and success coaching and hypnosis. It doesn't mean that anybody's tied to that faith but until they realize how bad they suck, they're never going to get better.
The Art Of Failing To Win Big…
I think, in general, this is an unpopular view. Not everybody is meant to be entrepreneurial. Some people are better off working for other people. Yeah, the fact is, when you ask people, you know, you ask wealthy people, successful people. Why are you successful? They will invariably come back to say I'm passionate about what I do. Ask Mark Zuckerberg. Why why? Why did you succeed and all these other people? I'm passionate about social media. I'm passionate about this. It's really. This Scott Adams says in his book, how to fail at almost everything and still win big. It's something. Yeah, I love that book. I love it. It's a great book. And I, you know, he talks about this and the fact is most people are going to fail.
Subtle Art of Not Taking Yourself Too Seriously To Succeed
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. We mustn't take ourselves too seriously. That's the problem with most people. Seriousness is a disease. Most people have a pole up there. You know what, and they're walking around with all these levels of seriousness and all this projection of themselves. And that's why I do stuff like that. I try to do some silly thing, make a prank, call a friend and make them laugh. Do something silly and unexpected every day because it breaks me out of that thing. It breaks you out of the traps of the ego of the belief that all this is is real that all this is all there is.
Being Stoic When Down, Being Stoic When Up
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. My dad worked at a pizza shop and then he worked at a dry cleaner for nearly 30 years. And we never bought new clothes. I hadn't been to a restaurant until I was 15. And you know, then one of the rich kids at school invited me over and I remember going, wait for a second, explain to me how this works again. This guy is going to come and give me a piece of paper and I can pick a hamburger and he will bring it to me. Like, I was like, yeah, get whatever you want. I got my dad's card. I said what? What do you mean? Did you get your dad's? I go, wait. He's like just get anything you want. I'm like, "so I can get a hamburger and the pasta. I can get both of those and he's going to bring them to me." I was like you must be bullshitting. I don't believe you. And you know, that was my level of sophistication. At that time. I had no, we didn't buy new clothes. It was when customers would come and somebody would look cool, we would just cross our fingers and hope they would skip out on their bill. So my dad would keep their clothes and somehow it would trickle down to us. All our clothes were like two-three sizes too big for us.
Reading Great Writers Helps Leading A Successful Life
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyenne and his co-host Bart Baggett. I discovered all the great inspirational writers during the turn of the century. People like Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie's. I read the bio, I read you know people like Og Mandino, all these great, old-time, Did you like? Did you read the thinking where rich was that instrumental or? I did read Think and Grow Rich and I think it was it was pretty inspirational for me, you know, I'm not sure I agree with all the concepts in it now but back then it was exactly what I needed and I started reading up on that stuff. I started reading up on the New Age Movement. The self-development movement reading, Tony Robbins, and all these great people. And I was like, man, you know there might be a chance for me. So I took off.
Hone Your Natural Skills, Rent The Rest
You look at somebody one of my all-time heroes of all time. Is this guy Alan Watts? Alan Watts was a philosopher. Are you familiar with Alan Watts at all? Yeah, Alan Watts was a philosopher in the 1950s and 1960s up until I think the 70s when he passed away in I think close to 73 who was responsible for bringing the wisdom of the east Zen philosophy to the west and he did it in such a digestible way that even today, people are remixing his words, his spoken word along with electronic dance music. But Watts was one of the most self-realized people of his time because he took that opportunity to self-reflect not only on his strengths but also on his weaknesses. And similarly, I learned early on that it's not as important to learn what you're good at. Because like we said you can hire people that are good at the things that you are not good at. But it is important to know what things you suck at, what things you are horrible at, what things you will never be great at. Not because you put yourself down, not because you are down on yourself, but because then you have a true knowledge of yourself and you can act closer to the truth.
Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do
I was 15 years old thinking I want to find wealth, fortune all the great things that America offers. Books were my friends. I read books by Napoleon Hill, books by Og Mandino, all the great old-time writers of that time. I read Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer and all the personal development guys. This other guy is named Stuart Wilde. I read his books and I thought, man, you know what? I'm gonna leave home and I left home. I left and I was sleeping at that time in abandoned buildings or buildings that were under construction. Los Angeles was in a huge building boom at that time. So I realized that I could get into these buildings late at night when the brokers weren't in there, wake up in the morning before they got there and I'd be out and I'd be living in luxury houses, maybe there wasn't electricity or water in those days in some of the places because they weren't built yet but it was a safe place to lay my head and after that, I realized that there was a big electronic music scene.
Are You Building Your Circles Of Trust?
Sure, I talk about one in my book, where uh mysterious man shows up at my office mind you. I was in the maybe early 20s, maybe late teens. He's got an uh a duffel bag with a million dollars in cash and an invitation to go to Japan, to Tokyo on a private plane. What do you do? I went turns out that the mob was interested in taking over my company, maybe not the best move. Maybe maybe it was an okay movie. And there were several moments of self-doubt. I mean I could have potentially been killed. So there was a lot of that.
Into The Mindset Of Leading CEOs And Business Leaders
That's why most CEOs that are where they're at. We tend to think that people that are CEOs are these people that have gone to school and done you know the things by the book and they come out like this no and I teach this all the time to my students, my students in my amazon course is that those guys are the smartest in the room for a reason and that reason is not that they've played by the rules. The reason is they didn't think outside the box. They crushed the box. These are real next-level thinkers.
3 MUST Haves For Success
Yeah, I'm an absolute failure at the majority of things. I do in life bad at 99.9 of things that I do. There's point one percent that I'm really good, probably better than most people on the planet, but the rest of the stuff - absolute failure. The wife makes fun of me. I can't drive a nail through a piece of wood. I'm good at hiring people and your example of engineering is a really good example of that. You can buy engineers, you can buy a guy that's been MIT-trained that's picked of. What do you get to pay the guy, 300 grand a year, 500 grand a year, even a million dollars a year for a rocket scientist. You find.
Knowledge, Courage And Action To Succeed In Business
What does knowledge do? Knowledge gives you courage. Knowledge, Courage, Action. Once you know how to jump out of a plane with a parachute, it's not as scary as if you're just jumping out and you have no idea what thing to pull or what to do. That takes us to the third pillar - action. You could have knowledge and courage, but if you do not take action, nothing happens. You have to be able to fail to succeed.
Selling Your Own Brand On Amazon…
You can own your store with inventory, but you own 100%, if you become a distributor for $5,000, to some Amway, or Herbalife, you have a bunch of stuff that you didn't have before in your garage. But you just don't know if that's going to sell if you it's your thing, it's at your bag, all of a sudden, your front-loaded these products, and I have found more people than not can't sell those things. You're not buying a business, you're buying permission to be a salesperson. So you're paying money to have a job. So tread lightly on those business opportunities. But when you're putting your own money in your brand, now you're a real business owner.
Be Passionate About Learning The Trade … All The Time
What are some of the mistakes that people make? What's the biggest mistake that people make on Amazon? And I think this goes kind of to what you and I talk about often is one of the biggest mistakes that people make in life. Also, I think it's just going into something with some knowledge, thinking that you don't need to learn the fundamentals. Because it's like that adage, you know, one of the students who go to the master, and the Masters pouring tea, and he goes all Master, will you teach me in the master has the tea kettle, and he pours the tea into his cup and the tea pours over and fills the table and he goes, Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing? And he says, I can't teach you. And he says Why? Why can't you teach me? He says because your cups are already full. Come back when your cup is empty.
Be Around People You Trust In Trying Moments
It's always So much easier when you sit with friends and laugh about them. Yeah, you know, it all seems so serious when you're alone, and it's just you, but when you with people who you love people who you trust, it's different, it's different, it's a different feeling. So, you know, I know, you know, as being a man, it's great to be around other men that are doing great things.
Diversified Risk = Higher Brand Value
If the risk is diversified you're selling in brick and mortar, you're selling on eBay, Etsy, Walmart you're you've got your distribution, people are buying directly from you on your website excuse me if those things are happening, then the risk is more diversified and the value of your company is generally higher.
Prepare, Act, Watch And Adapt…
And if you are equipped to move with that change you will do well but if you are not then the world will pass you by. So you have to be ready and willing to move with the changes, move with the flow you know. I am a student of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. So I've been taking Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for almost five years now and it's one of the interesting things when you get on the map. It's a grappling art Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for anybody who hasn't heard of it. Once you get on the map you might have a plan. Okay, I'm going to do this, I'm going to get the guy in this position, I'm going to do that but your opponent might be doing something completely different. You have no control over what the opponent's going to do and that changes the entire game.
Know Your Risk Number?
Like there is a risk. There's risk involved in each person has a different scale of the risk that they're willing to take and whether it's fighting, whether it's Covid, whether it's business, life, whatever risk is inherent and as a former fighter I went into it knowing I'm risking my health. Okay, I could have brain damage, I could get knocked out, could break a limb, could get stitches, could fracture my eye socket.
Willing To Go The Distance Against The Naysayers?
You have to be willing to go the road alone if you have to. The first thing I learned is that people are very quick to tell you that things are impossible and when I started herbal ecstasy back in the early 90s, I remember all I heard was that it was impossible but I had a flaw and that was I didn't listen to anybody and not only that I didn't know that it was impossible. Just because they're saying it's impossible, I didn't want it to be impossible.