Observe Them, But Don’t Take On Their Energy
You're now listening to Hack and Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. How do you deal with other people's views of you? What do other people think of you? Sometimes not well. Sometimes I let it get to me and I take on exactly what you said. You mean they've got their insecurities, their problems and they just want you to be miserable too. And so, when they come up, I just try to look at it as an observer, right? As opposed to taking it personally because people are going to do it all the time and they do it all the time, but you don't take on their baggage, you process it. Take two seconds to go. This is not something I need to do or take on and then I put it away because man, it just gets after and after and after you. So it's a process.
Exploring The Real Secrets of Wealthy People
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. You talk to wealthy people. They're going to tell you they're lucky. They're going to tell you, hey man, I just got lucky and I'm passionate about this thing. They don't want to tell you that you know what, I'm smarter than you. There are people smarter than you and not only that, I'm more ruthless than you, I'm more aggressive than you. I know how to manipulate people more. I know how to exert influence in the right ways. These are things that people will not tell you. These are things that people will not share with you. You have to be more aggressive. You have to be relentless. You have to have enemies. You have to go out there and fail. You have to be able to take risks and you can't do that if you're broke.
Scale Your Success Percentages With Your Disconnect Factor
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. So you have been known to lose your mind at times, have you? I try to lose my mind a little bit every day and it's more important than, you know, okay, so I'll give you my dirty little secret, which I don't live on air a lot. I like to make prank calls. It's one of my favorite things. I do multiple characters. I can do a Persian guy that speaks like these. How are you? I'm Mr. Irani. I can do a Russian guy who Panama Chiba is rusky.
The Art Of Failing To Win Big…
I think, in general, this is an unpopular view. Not everybody is meant to be entrepreneurial. Some people are better off working for other people. Yeah, the fact is, when you ask people, you know, you ask wealthy people, successful people. Why are you successful? They will invariably come back to say I'm passionate about what I do. Ask Mark Zuckerberg. Why why? Why did you succeed and all these other people? I'm passionate about social media. I'm passionate about this. It's really. This Scott Adams says in his book, how to fail at almost everything and still win big. It's something. Yeah, I love that book. I love it. It's a great book. And I, you know, he talks about this and the fact is most people are going to fail.
Being Stoic When Down, Being Stoic When Up
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. My dad worked at a pizza shop and then he worked at a dry cleaner for nearly 30 years. And we never bought new clothes. I hadn't been to a restaurant until I was 15. And you know, then one of the rich kids at school invited me over and I remember going, wait for a second, explain to me how this works again. This guy is going to come and give me a piece of paper and I can pick a hamburger and he will bring it to me. Like, I was like, yeah, get whatever you want. I got my dad's card. I said what? What do you mean? Did you get your dad's? I go, wait. He's like just get anything you want. I'm like, "so I can get a hamburger and the pasta. I can get both of those and he's going to bring them to me." I was like you must be bullshitting. I don't believe you. And you know, that was my level of sophistication. At that time. I had no, we didn't buy new clothes. It was when customers would come and somebody would look cool, we would just cross our fingers and hope they would skip out on their bill. So my dad would keep their clothes and somehow it would trickle down to us. All our clothes were like two-three sizes too big for us.
Valuing The Shortages To Create Abundance (Copy)
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Positive momentum and negative momentum. When things happen that are crappy, they seem to happen one after another. It affects your attitude, your mindset, everything. And when good things happen, the key is always to keep your foot on the gas and get back to basics. Always grind. Put people in your corner who support encourage you. And what you did, which I love is you were taking every situation in life, you even when you had the chip going back to what you said at the beginning of this interview, when you had the chip on your shoulder, you didn't say, what was it you said, you know what? I'm going to take what I don't have. And I'm going to make something of that. Everything you did was in your favor. Using it in your favor to drive you to do the things that would drive your success and I think that's a phenomenal lesson that everything is good and bad.
Valuing The Shortages To Create Abundance
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. We fled Iran in fear of persecution and came to the United States, eventually landed in the U.S. I was about five and King of the Heap in Iran. Like you know, had my little gang, very safe place, you know. I would leave during the days. I would come back as a five-year-old. No problem. Dinner was when I came home. It was great, but coming to this country I realized it was during Iran-contra and I was no longer top of the heap. I was a second-class citizen, wow and that gave me a chip on my shoulder, gave me a lot of grit, you know, getting the crap kicked out of me every day at school built character, but I decided that, hey, you know, this is one of the greatest countries in the world from an economic standpoint. There is opportunity there. I see people with wealth.
Developing Perspective For Life Through Difficult Times
started as an adolescent in Iran at five. I was born in Iran. We moved to Los Angeles eventually as refugees. We were political refugees when we moved here and solidly poor here. In Iran, we were well to do. Here, we were poor and we managed somehow to buy a house in an up-and-coming neighborhood an Enclave of Los Angeles called Pacific Palisades, which at the time was more hippie than up-and-coming. And my folks managed to buy a house that was an absolute disaster of a house in those days. And pretty soon around us, I saw huge houses going up. I saw great wealth coming in. It was the Reaganomics era trickle-down economics wall street wealth. Hollywood was at an all-time high. All this money was coming in but I was still the poor son of a dry cleaner. The kids growing up around me their folks had Mercedes Benzes. They would go out to restaurants.
Decoding The “Be The Doctor” Syndrome In Life
How do I get that? They laughed and they said, well, you know son, what all immigrant families want for their kids is the pinnacle height of success than we could ever reach. To be a doctor. Dad thought for a minute. And he said the only way is to become a doctor. You have to go become a doctor. Look at Mr. Rafsanjani down the street. He is a doctor. He has beans, he has a house, be like him. All right, cool. Let's do that. I want to be a doctor. How do you be a doctor? It's nice. You have to cut people up. You get money, you get all that. And then I looked at the dude, and I was like, man, that dude is bald, that dude is fat. He is a bundle of nerves.
Mindset Of Champions – Getting It Done …
I don't think there's any key ingredient. I don't think there's anyone thing, you got to have grit, you got to have resilience, you got to be able, the one thing I would say that's key is you got to be able to go out there and take some punches, you got to be able to be knocked down. The people I see coming through my amazon fba seller course, the people who come through my amazon mastery course. The ones that come in with the attitude of hey, I'm going to throw my chips on the table and I'm gonna see where that little roulette ball lands and maybe it'll land on one of my numbers, those are the ones that fail. I haven't had anybody fail yet by the way.
Assets For The Future – Your Digital Brand
The real estate's an asset. If you can't touch it and feel it, it's not an asset, but I'm hearing you say it's 2021. Real estate is one great asset, but internet real estate is a website domain a book, an audiobook, an amazon store that's real estate. The only difference is amazon can fire you and um you know in real real estate you could get usurped by the government but it's unlikely you know I mean to just get it taken away.
Be Around People You Trust In Trying Moments
It's always So much easier when you sit with friends and laugh about them. Yeah, you know, it all seems so serious when you're alone, and it's just you, but when you with people who you love people who you trust, it's different, it's different, it's a different feeling. So, you know, I know, you know, as being a man, it's great to be around other men that are doing great things.
Believe You Can? Believe You Can’t? You Are Right…
Everything is possible. I truly believe that not just as a meme but somebody said if you believe you can or if you believe you can't you're right and so a lot of that comes down to mindset and the better question maybe is the mindset still possible and the answer is of course yes. Things change with time.
Believe And Prepare To Get The Job Done…
Are you planning on going out there and making it be like a casino like hey, I'm gonna throw you know chips on these numbers, and if it hits my number's great, if not then I guess this wasn't meant for me, or are you gonna go out there and no matter what it takes, get that win? You're going to make that nail go through that piece of wood. If you're going to use a hammer, a sledgehammer, a shotgun, your wrist whatever it is, don't use your wrist but a rock whatever it is that nail is going to go through.
Willing To Go The Distance Against The Naysayers?
You have to be willing to go the road alone if you have to. The first thing I learned is that people are very quick to tell you that things are impossible and when I started herbal ecstasy back in the early 90s, I remember all I heard was that it was impossible but I had a flaw and that was I didn't listen to anybody and not only that I didn't know that it was impossible. Just because they're saying it's impossible, I didn't want it to be impossible.
Qualities That Make You Mentally Tough
I think part of having a certain level of grit and stick-to-itiveness but also the quality of being relentless. Since I was a kid I was always picked on when we came to this country. It was during the Iran-contra scandal. Iran was not in favor. People did not like the Iranian people. We got called all kinds of names. I had my ass handed to me every day at school. Every day it was like going for a beating and it wasn't like now.