Bending The Perception Game To Your Advantage
Now we have a tendency to think of the Russians differently but I’ll tell you something. They have less resources than we do in a lot of ways and you and I have talked about this before. It gives them more grit. They can do things that we can’t do. When you hear about Russian hacking and Russian hackers. I see it all the time on amazon. I talk to Russian hackers all the time that have amazon accounts up and are making millions of dollars selling on amazon. Why, because they are willing to push the envelope. They are willing to do whatever it takes. They have an on-demand proclivity for building a reality distortion field that bends all reality to what they need in that moment and that’s why they excel at things where they have to manipulate algorithms.
The way we live life is an algorithm. The way we sell on amazon is an algorithm. And the way people buy is an algorithm. It’s just like the matrix you know all those numbers running down the screen and if you can learn to read that and manipulate it you can change not only your perception of the world but other people’s perception of the world which can lead to real impact.