Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do
I was 15 years old thinking I want to find wealth, fortune all the great things that America offers. Books were my friends. I read books by Napoleon Hill, books by Og Mandino, all the great old-time writers of that time. I read Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer and all the personal development guys. This other guy is named Stuart Wilde. I read his books and I thought, man, you know what? I'm gonna leave home and I left home. I left and I was sleeping at that time in abandoned buildings or buildings that were under construction. Los Angeles was in a huge building boom at that time. So I realized that I could get into these buildings late at night when the brokers weren't in there, wake up in the morning before they got there and I'd be out and I'd be living in luxury houses, maybe there wasn't electricity or water in those days in some of the places because they weren't built yet but it was a safe place to lay my head and after that, I realized that there was a big electronic music scene.
Architect Your Business Life To Win (Steve Jobs Example)
Uh, Walter Isaacson, who wrote the great uh autobiography, sorry not autobiography, the great biography of Steve Jobs talks about how Steve Jobs would walk into a room and he would say, all right guys, uh we're going to need and this was in the early 90s. We're going to need a phone and you're going to be able to touch the screen. Before this, all phones had buttons and there'll be no buttons on this phone and it'll do all these things. It'll have an iPod on it, it'll play music, it'll do all these things. It didn't exist and the engineers would say okay cool, Steve Jobs awesome. Okay, amazing. We could have this for you in the next three to five years. He'd be very cute. 30 days I'm going on stage to announce it. Make it work and he would leave and they would all be sitting there going oh my god what an and what just happened. We just agreed to do this and they would do it and he would make it happen.
Mindset Of Champions – Getting It Done …
I don't think there's any key ingredient. I don't think there's anyone thing, you got to have grit, you got to have resilience, you got to be able, the one thing I would say that's key is you got to be able to go out there and take some punches, you got to be able to be knocked down. The people I see coming through my amazon fba seller course, the people who come through my amazon mastery course. The ones that come in with the attitude of hey, I'm going to throw my chips on the table and I'm gonna see where that little roulette ball lands and maybe it'll land on one of my numbers, those are the ones that fail. I haven't had anybody fail yet by the way.
Roll Up Your Sleeves And Get On With The Job
The problem is a lot of the stuff has become highly marketed by a lot of the self-help gurus that are out now. So they want you to think that having a passion drive and mindset is what you need. No, that's not what you need. You need to do the work, you need to roll up your sleeves, and do the work. That's what you do. That's what works, what works is doing the work getting out there. And you know, if you're a real estate agent, knocking on doors, and you know, meeting people in your neighborhood, and building your network, and calling the banks and doing whatever those things are that agents and brokers do, but it's just doing the work. There's nothing more effective than doing that.
Assets For The Future – Your Digital Brand
The real estate's an asset. If you can't touch it and feel it, it's not an asset, but I'm hearing you say it's 2021. Real estate is one great asset, but internet real estate is a website domain a book, an audiobook, an amazon store that's real estate. The only difference is amazon can fire you and um you know in real real estate you could get usurped by the government but it's unlikely you know I mean to just get it taken away.
Who Bends First?
So learning the subtleties and nuances and the cultural differences wherever you're at is super important. Similarly, you know if you're going to be negotiating with gangbangers there's a culture there. If you're going to be negotiating with corporate business people, there's a culture there.
The Combat Mindset – Adaptable, Flexible And Compatible
And that's the mindset you want to be in. You want to be like you know what I'm I don't know what it's going to take but I'm adaptable. I know that the world is changing and I know that everything changes. Combat is a changeable environment. As Bruce Lee said, be like water. Why did he say be like water? Well, because water takes the shape of whatever it's in. It's unclear what water is going to be poured in, but if it gets poured in a vase then it takes the shape of the vase. If it gets spilled on the rock it goes around the rock. If it hits the soil, it gets absorbed in the soil, and if you can master that the world's your oyster.
Do You Have A Plan B?
You know what I would tell anyone and what I do. I speak a lot to students and what I tell them on the front end is you know regardless of how well you do, how good you are. How successful you are. It's a million percent. There are going to be losses along the way. So I think going into fighting, going into any sort of life or business, just that awareness of all right, I'm going to do the work, I'm going to train, going to prepare, I'm going to develop the confidence, but I do know that I could lose.
Understanding Your Risk Potential Vs. Gains
The only reason why those dudes are interesting is that they're defying death by being around these killing machines. Those animals are killers and the reason why it's interesting, why there is a purity to that interaction is because it's dangerous.
Are You A Leader Or A Micro Manager?
People who do impossible things, people that are leaders are generally broad-stroke guys and what I mean by that part is that they don't tend to get overwhelmed by the details. The people who are generally not hugely successful are far more concerned about the specialization and the this and the that and the little details of things which is the reason why rocket scientists aren't the wealthiest people in the world.
Willing To Go The Distance Against The Naysayers?
You have to be willing to go the road alone if you have to. The first thing I learned is that people are very quick to tell you that things are impossible and when I started herbal ecstasy back in the early 90s, I remember all I heard was that it was impossible but I had a flaw and that was I didn't listen to anybody and not only that I didn't know that it was impossible. Just because they're saying it's impossible, I didn't want it to be impossible.
Understanding Natural Intelligence To Your Advantage
Is don't be an idiot. Don't go jump out of a window and be like I see I'm ben. Because gravity will win. There are certain natural laws that you can never go against and come out better for but intelligently there are little things that you can do.
Understanding The Wealth Curve…
Young to super-wealthy - it's not like a stairstep. It's not a perfect line. It's more like the stock market where you get a really big jump and then you level out for a month or two or three years and I think what's happening your unconscious mind is now just sort of getting used to the new level of wealth and then from that you make another leap up but it's not like a steady line and what occurred to me when you explain that and then I want to talk about what the definition of reality.
Bending The Perception Game To Your Advantage
Now we have a tendency to think of the Russians differently but I’ll tell you something. They have less resources than we do in a lot of ways and you and I have talked about this before. It gives them more grit. They can do things that we can’t do. When you hear about Russian hacking and Russian hackers. I see it all the time on amazon. I talk to Russian hackers all the time that have amazon accounts up and are making millions of dollars selling on amazon.
Secrets Of Making And Keeping Wealth
So I think getting wealthy is the same thing if you don’t have the discipline to earn it or to save or to live miserly. We had a whole episode on how miserly you are and I thought it was hilarious how you still use coupons and so does my dad you know very very wealthy people but they have discipline.