Have Followers To Buy Into Your Ideas?
I think anyone that starts a movement of any significance must have been incredibly charismatic. I mean you look at the leaders around the world today, the Richard Bransons and even the Donald Trumps. Half the people were charmed by him. I mean half the united states really really got behind his version of what he thought was real and won in the election. If you go back to the you know Henry Ford and you go back into the industrial age you know you’re talking about these amazing men. They were so visionary but it wasn’t them alone. It was them selling their ideas on other people. I mean it all comes down to enrollment or sales. They’re selling a bigger idea.
If you're starting a cult you're selling a bigger idea. Hey, your religion was good but mine's better and it's gonna serve you and the world better if you work for two dollars an hour and and you know come to work for me and blah blah. I mean it's an enrollment conversation but it takes a darker term when you're talking about Charles Manson versus Jeff Bezos who who you know built a huge company over 20 years and now he's a rich man. The world is the benefit. He was able to throw a lot of people.