Being Pulled Down By Others?
You're now listening to Hack and Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. And you know, I learned this, you know during the Ecstasy days, like just you got to stop giving a. Like you just can't because people will on your entrepreneurial journey, bring you down whenever they can, A - because they want to get you on their level or below and B - because it makes you more relatable to them.
Live Your Life With YOUR Own Rules
You're now listening to Hack and Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. We just don't give about what other people think. Yeah, sure. We're polite. We're empathetic. We're kind people but at the end of the day when it comes to our lifestyle and the way that we live, we don't live our lives for what other people will think of us. And I think that's super interesting. I know you, you certainly don't live that way and you know, for any of you guys who know me or any of the stuff that I've done, I certainly don't live that way and it's even more ironic the ironic thing about that is that I'm married to a publicist whose entire job is to worry about what people think.
How To Lose Your Mind To Find Your Soul?
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Every day I'm in mindfulness mode except for the days that I'm in mindlessness mode. As Alan Watts would carefully observe that sometimes we need to lose our minds to find ourselves. So, I'm a big fan of that as I'm a big fan of Alan Watts.
Transforming Your Weaknesses Into Success Stories
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. People are afraid of success. People are afraid of failure and sometimes with good reason. It doesn't mean that you are tied to that fate. I know you're in the business of coaching and success coaching and hypnosis. It doesn't mean that anybody's tied to that faith but until they realize how bad they suck, they're never going to get better.
Your Goal, Your Road, Your Way
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. So by the time I was 15, I was like, man, I got to get out of here. I can't. If I stay here, you know, What's the path for me? And my folks would say, hey, you know, go to school five years ten years to get a degree. Become a doctor. You become a doctor young man, and I'd be like all right. Well, let me look at the doctor. I'd be like, look at Mr. so-and-so out the street and I'd look at the guy and he was bald and fat and the whole family was bald and fat. And you just look at the guy and I'd be like, wow. Yeah, he's got a Benz, but that's not him, the bank owns it, right? And that could be you, right? Yeah, you look at his car and you're like, man, you know, like his house. You're like the bank owns that and the guy leaves at 5 a.m. He comes back at like 8 or 9 p.m. and now he looks miserable. I don't want to be that.
Developing Attitude of Gratitude Toward Others
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Treat everyone right and nice regardless of where they're at in their life, because of this guy and the agent, there could have been opportunities there. But you know what? Regardless of whether it's a guy parking your car or anyone else in your life. They're there for a reason and a season. And you treat everyone with respect and dignity. You never know where they're going to be, or what they're going to be. And certainly, he probably regretted by the way. I was in the copier business so I know the hum and I know the warmth. That was my first business. So I get that and I fell asleep a few times also good. That was working the 12 hour days but what an amazing story.
Valuing The Shortages To Create Abundance
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. We fled Iran in fear of persecution and came to the United States, eventually landed in the U.S. I was about five and King of the Heap in Iran. Like you know, had my little gang, very safe place, you know. I would leave during the days. I would come back as a five-year-old. No problem. Dinner was when I came home. It was great, but coming to this country I realized it was during Iran-contra and I was no longer top of the heap. I was a second-class citizen, wow and that gave me a chip on my shoulder, gave me a lot of grit, you know, getting the crap kicked out of me every day at school built character, but I decided that, hey, you know, this is one of the greatest countries in the world from an economic standpoint. There is opportunity there. I see people with wealth.
Everything Is Possible Once The Attitude Is Right
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyenne and his co-host Bart Baggett. You know, when people look at you and they look at successes, they think oh, the road to success is easy and or it's not riddled with challenges or obstacles. And that's all it's riddled with and so much self-doubt. You brought it up at a perfect time so much self-doubt in the impossible all you heard was possible, but you took that on as a challenge whatever lit that fire under your butt to say, yeah I'll show them and a lot of great successes that I've had on the show were challenged that they couldn't do it, and they wanted to just show the world you're wrong, I'm right. I can do it. But you give such hope to any entrepreneur willing to hustle.
Crush The Box To Lead Your Competition
And what we teach is that nobody wins by playing the game the way they tell you to play it. Big resellers, e-commerce giants like Amazon, I teach this course called amazon mastery where I teach people how to make predictable recurring revenue on the amazon platform. I teach people how to find products, sell them on the Amazon platform and what they want you to believe is they want you to believe that if you are a good little boy Joseph Jaffe and you follow their rules you are going to be just fine.
Finding Black Belt Mentors To Coach You To Success
Do not work in a vacuum. What I mean by that is that there are people out there in the world, who have done what you want to do and you can find these people and incentivize them to work with you. Incentivize them to help you, to coach you, to train you, to get what they want. I think your podcast is about fitness yeah? So if you want to become fit, very interesting. So I train Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I'm a student beginner um but I've been training for some years now and my philosophy with martial arts and I've done martial arts for a lot of years is if you want to learn, you find somebody who's at a much higher level and is where you want to be and once you learn how that person got where they are, ask them to mentor you. Ask them to coach you and get at that level with them. Train at their level.
Broad Stroked Or Specialist? – What’s Your Game?
People who do impossible things and leaders are generally broad-stroke guys, and I mean by that part is that they don't tend to get overwhelmed by the details. The people who are generally not hugely successful are far more concerned about the specialization and the this and the that and the little details of things, which is why rocket scientists aren't the wealthiest people in the world.
The Real Deal – Perform Or Perish
It's true. There's no participation prize in the real world. There's no participation prize on Amazon, you don't get an honorable mention for having good intentions. So you have to go out there ready to crush and if you can't handle that, get a job, go work for someone and sell or be a socialist. There are plenty of countries that would love to have you as a socialist, you know, and I know there's a whole political movement of like, oh, everybody should be free and give the money away and feed the homeless and you know what? Get three kids and start an Amazon business. See how socialist you are? You won't be that socialist once you have written your checks. Go read Ein Rand the fountain header atlas shrugged and let's see if your philosophy doesn't change a little bit.
Diversified Risk = Higher Brand Value
If the risk is diversified you're selling in brick and mortar, you're selling on eBay, Etsy, Walmart you're you've got your distribution, people are buying directly from you on your website excuse me if those things are happening, then the risk is more diversified and the value of your company is generally higher.
Planning Earn Outs Beyond Cash
I always tell people to look, if you can take cash off the table as much cash as you can get, my recommendation for amazon sellers is, if you get aggregators or if you get into a position where you can create a bidding war bidding frenzy like happens with a lot of our companies and brands that we sell.
Core Pillars To Invest In For Recurring Revenue Growth
Have foundational thinking. Take the time to invest in four foundations. The first foundation should be some type of real estate. Even if you don’t have money to invest in real estate you can start learning about it now. Your time in learning about cash flow, positive real estate is an investment. That’s a pillar. Everybody in this country should have some investment in real estate and there are other ways to do it.
Planning For Active And Passive Income
That’s cash flow positive real estate, great. More wealth is built in this country by real estate than than pretty much anything else right. You should have one one area of your business that’s you know in the stock market and then another area that pays you to work you know. If you’re still in the business of selling your hours which I know a lot of us have gotten out of but if you’re doing that and that’s the money that you’re bringing in for your rent, your family whatever that’s respectable. But you have those pillars.
The Thin Line Between Black And White Action
So there’s mixed messages and there’s vulnerabilities and if you know how to exploit those vulnerabilities you can win, which is why I oftentimes you know I get asked to talk about black hat tactics and grey hat tactics yeah you know white hat tactics and the fact is there’s nobody who is successful that just does everything strictly by uh TOS, you know terms of service you know we follow what they tell us to do.
Following Your Passion Or Parents’ Dreams?
We just have a different mindset than say someone's growing up here in a more comfortable life. It's like we our parents came here to make a better life for their kids not for themselves. They knew that hopefully being in America would present more opportunities and for your parents it was hey go be a doctor, go be the Jewish person out there with the nine to five working all day.
Have Followers To Buy Into Your Ideas?
I think anyone that starts a movement of any significance must have been incredibly charismatic. I mean you look at the leaders around the world today, the Richard Bransons and even the Donald Trumps. Half the people were charmed by him. I mean half the united states really really got behind his version of what he thought was real and won in the election.
What Is Stick-to-itiveness In Business?
It’s a numbers game, you know, and there’s a personality style that’s right for it. And I think you know if you can thrive in that business, which effectively at some point becomes a door-to-door sales. Like how can vacuum cleaner sales is not that much different. Like we see the old salesman or like, you know, sticks his foot in the door and tosses a cup of dirt and like people don’t go Like you do, and he goes on with the vacuum and makes the sale.