Living In The Present? Future Or Past?

You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Mindfulness for me in my life is presented. It's the ability to, as the great author, Ramdas Richard Albert would say be here now, be able to be a real person, an authentic person, which is the first and foremost component to it. Just be real be who you are. And that brings about the ability to be present. To be present for your family, to be present for your friends, and to take a moment to realize that. It all came and it'll all go.

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Nothing Succeeds Like Success In Life

You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. There's another story where while I was you know, living in these abandoned buildings and on the beach and all these places, I managed to get myself a job at a copy place, at a Kinkos copy. It was at the time and I remember we were in the back. I was making photocopies for Scientology because that's it was right next to the Scientology building. Yeah, they would have these like, billionaire contracts that they made. People sign and like there was all this paperwork and I'd be like send the copy machines. I was a kid and I remember that I had this boss who was like this evil man like he was like the monopoly guy. He was like you know, he had this like a cat and a cane and a mustache and all this stuff and I would sleep behind the copy machine because it had a nice droning hum. It was warm back there and I could sleep for a few hours so during my shift. I would set the papers, the contracts to print and I would fall asleep behind the copy machine. Didn't think much of it, but one day I woke up and like to a kick in my side and like his like cane and he's like standing on something beating me behind the machine and me looking going hey, what the man and you know, him like kicking me out. I didn't get my paycheck, right? Mind you, I was sleeping in wherever I could sleep. I didn't have money for food. He wouldn't give me my paycheck.

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Valuing The Shortages To Create Abundance (Copy)

You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Positive momentum and negative momentum. When things happen that are crappy, they seem to happen one after another. It affects your attitude, your mindset, everything. And when good things happen, the key is always to keep your foot on the gas and get back to basics. Always grind. Put people in your corner who support encourage you. And what you did, which I love is you were taking every situation in life, you even when you had the chip going back to what you said at the beginning of this interview, when you had the chip on your shoulder, you didn't say, what was it you said, you know what? I'm going to take what I don't have. And I'm going to make something of that. Everything you did was in your favor. Using it in your favor to drive you to do the things that would drive your success and I think that's a phenomenal lesson that everything is good and bad.

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Make Synchronicity Your Lifestyle (Law Of Attraction)

When you are in a flow state like Stephen Cutler talks about in his book The Art of the Impossible or The Rise of Superman. If you can get yourself into this optimal performance state, into this optimal state where you are in the flow, opportunities start coming to you. You find yourself becoming more in sync with things that are going on around you and that's called synchronicity. You want something and the person who can provide that thing to you appears sitting next to you on a park bench or he's the guy at a restaurant that you don't drop something and you pick it up and you're there. It's the way the world works. I don't know why it works that way. Some people say oh the art of it the law of attraction, the art of manifestation all that is. I'll tell you what it is. It's hard work. No substitute for it. No hack for hard work.

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The “Silent” Art of Building Great Wealth

The world is predatory. All you got to do is look at nature. Things don't work the way that we always want them to. So making money and I make a lot more now that I get to keep than I did back then because I was burning through hundreds of millions of dollars, is mainly because I don't publicize everything that I do. That I'm quieter about the things that I do and the real people the guys that are making the billions and billions of dollars don't always end up on the Forbes top 10 top 100 list.

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Understanding The Wealth Curve…

Young to super-wealthy - it's not like a stairstep. It's not a perfect line. It's more like the stock market where you get a really big jump and then you level out for a month or two or three years and I think what's happening your unconscious mind is now just sort of getting used to the new level of wealth and then from that you make another leap up but it's not like a steady line and what occurred to me when you explain that and then I want to talk about what the definition of reality.

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Overcoming Adversity Through Resilience

And it's just like jumping out of a plane right? We jump out of a plane, oh the parachute didn't work right? Okay, so the first time you do that you might freak out. The second time you might say, okay so I know what to do. Here's the checklist. I've got a backup parachute. I've got three other cords. I can untangle it. You know the right things to do and really that's what it's about. You know they don't really care about it.

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Planning For Active And Passive Income

That’s cash flow positive real estate, great. More wealth is built in this country by real estate than than pretty much anything else right. You should have one one area of your business that’s you know in the stock market and then another area that pays you to work you know. If you’re still in the business of selling your hours which I know a lot of us have gotten out of but if you’re doing that and that’s the money that you’re bringing in for your rent, your family whatever that’s respectable. But you have those pillars.

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Selling Your Story Or Products?

I think in general I’ll tell you the number one problem that most entrepreneurs have and that’s that they have the old way of thinking. Most entrepreneurs think to themselves dude I’m gonna Randy, I’m gonna go out there and create a better mousetrap and the world that’s going to beat its way to my door and quickly they learn that in this world of social media and all these types of things that nobody gives a that you have a better mousetrap.

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Mastering The Art To Communicate In Business

Learning the language that you need to be able to speak to that specific niche is going to be the difference between succeeding and failing. So I’m sure in your industry, Enriquez, there’s a certain language, and over the many years that you’ve become a master, agent, a broker selling properties.

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Why I Choose Amazon FBA Or Drop Shipping?

I'm a very busy guy, who doesn't have the time to go out looking for wholesale dropshipping companies. My friends and family recommend me to start an online business but I hesitate because I don't have a product. I have been searching on the net but can't seem to find one that really works. All my search results are the same; FBA, drop ship etc.

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