Respond “Less” To Negativity Or Naysayers
You're now listening to Hack and Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Well, I started studying this when I was like 15 years old through cognitive psychology. And of course, the handwriting analysis, which I'm famous for and one of the first things that I learned was that being sensitive to criticism, caring too much, what people thought was a flaw and it was a physical pain in your chest of like someone not approving of you. And I had that as a kid. I remember having the members-only jacket and I'm dating myself. But like I cared, whether I had a certain jacket. And when I made these changes to my brain, I just didn't give anymore. And I think I probably overcompensated by not giving a. Quote-Unquote like all the best-selling books, these days and I kind of became an a-hole but I was an aggressive successful, and I got what I wanted a lot.
An Ideal Herbal Vaporizer
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Ultimately I think you know, the beautiful thing that the beauty is when somebody can develop a small enough device that's a true vaporizer, a true digital vaporizer where you don't have to buy the liquids and you can just use plant, real green herb or real tobacco and that's when something nice is going to happen. I've seen devices that are the size of like a small cigarette pack that does that but, I'm yet to see what we were in the end phases of building, which is something that's the size of like an actual cigarette where you could put a small amount of plant matter and that's another great advantage of vaporization over smoking. When you smoke you burn it and you're done with vaporization that same tiny amount of plant matter can last you weeks and weeks and weeks so it's much more efficient on your materials as well it feels cleaner.
Listen To Your Heart, Learn With Your Head
So I'll tell you one of the first things that I did. So once I made the pills and we got it into the hands of a few of these dealers. I decided that I was going to become a multi-million dollar company. I never thought we would break a billion dollars, but I thought hey, you know what, we're going to become huge and I thought one of the ways to do that was to license a picture of a famous person. So I walked in, I made a phone call. They said, what's the name of your company? I said, I just made it up on the spot. I said Global something or other and loved it. I got an appointment and I walked into this big Beverly Hills office. And it was a fancy office in those days and beginning of the 90s and it was, you know, the attorney that was representing this state of so-and-so. And the receptionist was this cute little Japanese girl in her cute little outfit. She brought me this little espresso with a little twist of something. Never had those before and put them on and I was like, this is amazing. And then the guy makes me wait about an hour right he calls me in and he's you know, the old school like, you know the agent guy. Yeah. Tell him it's what I could do for less than entire thousands.
Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do
I was 15 years old thinking I want to find wealth, fortune all the great things that America offers. Books were my friends. I read books by Napoleon Hill, books by Og Mandino, all the great old-time writers of that time. I read Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer and all the personal development guys. This other guy is named Stuart Wilde. I read his books and I thought, man, you know what? I'm gonna leave home and I left home. I left and I was sleeping at that time in abandoned buildings or buildings that were under construction. Los Angeles was in a huge building boom at that time. So I realized that I could get into these buildings late at night when the brokers weren't in there, wake up in the morning before they got there and I'd be out and I'd be living in luxury houses, maybe there wasn't electricity or water in those days in some of the places because they weren't built yet but it was a safe place to lay my head and after that, I realized that there was a big electronic music scene.
Into The Mindset Of Leading CEOs And Business Leaders
That's why most CEOs that are where they're at. We tend to think that people that are CEOs are these people that have gone to school and done you know the things by the book and they come out like this no and I teach this all the time to my students, my students in my amazon course is that those guys are the smartest in the room for a reason and that reason is not that they've played by the rules. The reason is they didn't think outside the box. They crushed the box. These are real next-level thinkers.
Are You A Lion Or A Gazelle In Business?
But the fact is you have to use every tool in your arsenal and you have to find out what tools the competition isn't using and you have to jump on it. Like I don't know, but you gotta jump on it like it was a gazelle and you're a lion in savannah.
When Sum Total Of Successes Is Greater Than Failures, You Are Successful
The only hack that works is hard work. The only hack that works is getting out there and failing. Seeking failure and getting out there and making a mess of things so that you learn and then slowly picking yourself up dusting yourself off and doing it a little better each time until you no longer fail and then what you have to do is you have to perfect it. You have to make sure that the total size of your successes outweighs the size of your failures and then you're okay and then you're winning in life.
Want To Master Amazon Selling? Teach It To Others…
The best way to learn something is to teach it. So if you're more experienced at selling on Amazon, you're going to spend some time helping the guy that's just coming on to the course, if you're just coming onto the course, you're going to learn. And then once you've learned a little bit, you're going to help the other guys, but you start building a network.
Selling Your Own Brand On Amazon…
You can own your store with inventory, but you own 100%, if you become a distributor for $5,000, to some Amway, or Herbalife, you have a bunch of stuff that you didn't have before in your garage. But you just don't know if that's going to sell if you it's your thing, it's at your bag, all of a sudden, your front-loaded these products, and I have found more people than not can't sell those things. You're not buying a business, you're buying permission to be a salesperson. So you're paying money to have a job. So tread lightly on those business opportunities. But when you're putting your own money in your brand, now you're a real business owner.
Doing A Job Or Creating Jobs? Become An Amazon Entrepreneur
Just so you guys know you don't have to spend any money to start an Amazon business. To launch your business on amazon we teach you how to get reviews, how to get your product rank, how to find a product. The number one problem that people have on amazon, they're like dude I want to sell on amazon. I see everyone's making money. I hear the stories. I watch the videos but I just don't have a product and I tell people that's the best place to be. Just so you guys know you don't have to spend any money to start an Amazon business, to launch your business on Amazon. We teach you how to get reviews, how to get your product ranked how to.
Systematic Scale-Up Is Key To Grow Your Company
In the article we read yes, they may have a little more experience in creative or SEO or branding than we do, and then yes you're probably better customer service but they run you know 500 checklists of things to cover within a company. So in many cases mom and pop, you can do it better you know. My dad's an entrepreneur and I always saw him struggle with once he had four or five employees. He just didn't do it. He never grew past that like he wanted mass control versus delegation and systems and being able to scale a company which is what it takes to go from 1 to 10 million and then 10 million to 100 and a lot of these companies they're looking at the minimum of a million dollars in revenue, you know. Minimum because otherwise, it's not worth all the paperwork to try and do it. So you're right, a lot of companies don't make a million dollars a year and I know if you don't own a company that sounds like a heck of a lot of money.
Take Off The Significant Brands Of Competitors
I was strategic if I was Procter & Gamble or Johnson and Johnson. I'd be like hey, why do I want to wait for these aggregators to pick up these companies. For me to just come in and either A has another big behemoth come and compete with me that's got more brands and more successful than us. Why don't we go in and instead of offering them 10, I know the aggregators are offering a 10 time earning multiple why don't we just offer 15 and take any significant brands off the table now. What if that were to happen, wouldn't that be interesting? Where would that take the market?
Build Your Brand Worth An Exit (If Needed)
So the people who are seeking to start a business to sell it, generally don't succeed. The people who never think about selling a business will have a rude awakening when it comes time to sell their business and what they can get for it. With that said, you want to be somewhere in the middle.
Ranking Based On Sales Numbers
The most important thing is being visible. So to be visible what we call ranking, you show up on that first page. When you search for I don't know uh pie cutters and go on to that first page of amazon when you click through, there are about 10 or 20 items on that page. That is golden real estate. There might be 2000 products, there might be 20000 products, but whoever is on that first page has it. Whoever's got the number one listing that's gold. So amazon discovered hey, I know how we're going to get up there. It's going to catch 21 catch 22 English not so good. Um, so whichever catch it is and what they did was they designed their algorithm so that the more sales you have the higher you rank.
Who Bends First?
So learning the subtleties and nuances and the cultural differences wherever you're at is super important. Similarly, you know if you're going to be negotiating with gangbangers there's a culture there. If you're going to be negotiating with corporate business people, there's a culture there.
The Combat Mindset – Adaptable, Flexible And Compatible
And that's the mindset you want to be in. You want to be like you know what I'm I don't know what it's going to take but I'm adaptable. I know that the world is changing and I know that everything changes. Combat is a changeable environment. As Bruce Lee said, be like water. Why did he say be like water? Well, because water takes the shape of whatever it's in. It's unclear what water is going to be poured in, but if it gets poured in a vase then it takes the shape of the vase. If it gets spilled on the rock it goes around the rock. If it hits the soil, it gets absorbed in the soil, and if you can master that the world's your oyster.
Understanding The Wealth Curve…
Young to super-wealthy - it's not like a stairstep. It's not a perfect line. It's more like the stock market where you get a really big jump and then you level out for a month or two or three years and I think what's happening your unconscious mind is now just sort of getting used to the new level of wealth and then from that you make another leap up but it's not like a steady line and what occurred to me when you explain that and then I want to talk about what the definition of reality.
Developing Skills To Use The Power Of Influence
If you're able to influence somebody, money is just one way to influence people. It's the easiest way. If I want something that you have, I give you money. You give me that thing. Great, but he would point around wherever we were at a meeting he says everything around you has been sold, transferred from one person to the next, and not always with money in hand. So there are lots of different ways to be able to influence people so I learned at a very early age through his mentorship the art of influence.
If You Want To Win, Forget Plan B
It's I know exactly that burn the ship's mentality, the focus, the clarity and the like you said purity you know what I mean. It creates like there's like um I think I think what it is is you know when you have that there's no safety net, there's no plan B and it just becomes like right.