Staying Ahead Of The Game…
You're now listening to Hack and Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. You know, but again, you know, that's another quality of successful guys. I'm sure you are too, Rob, is you know that we're all fiercely competitive, right? So it's kind of one of the marks of being, you know, and alpha and being successful in business, you know, all the guys, I know who are successful in business are incredibly competitive human beings.
Listen To Your Heart, Learn With Your Head
So I'll tell you one of the first things that I did. So once I made the pills and we got it into the hands of a few of these dealers. I decided that I was going to become a multi-million dollar company. I never thought we would break a billion dollars, but I thought hey, you know what, we're going to become huge and I thought one of the ways to do that was to license a picture of a famous person. So I walked in, I made a phone call. They said, what's the name of your company? I said, I just made it up on the spot. I said Global something or other and loved it. I got an appointment and I walked into this big Beverly Hills office. And it was a fancy office in those days and beginning of the 90s and it was, you know, the attorney that was representing this state of so-and-so. And the receptionist was this cute little Japanese girl in her cute little outfit. She brought me this little espresso with a little twist of something. Never had those before and put them on and I was like, this is amazing. And then the guy makes me wait about an hour right he calls me in and he's you know, the old school like, you know the agent guy. Yeah. Tell him it's what I could do for less than entire thousands.
Decoding The “Be The Doctor” Syndrome In Life
How do I get that? They laughed and they said, well, you know son, what all immigrant families want for their kids is the pinnacle height of success than we could ever reach. To be a doctor. Dad thought for a minute. And he said the only way is to become a doctor. You have to go become a doctor. Look at Mr. Rafsanjani down the street. He is a doctor. He has beans, he has a house, be like him. All right, cool. Let's do that. I want to be a doctor. How do you be a doctor? It's nice. You have to cut people up. You get money, you get all that. And then I looked at the dude, and I was like, man, that dude is bald, that dude is fat. He is a bundle of nerves.
Getting Into The Flow, Creating Your Own Luck
Life is about luck but it's not what you think. Luck can be created and it's about being in the flow. Uh, a great author uh Chikset Mihai who recently passed away just a few days ago wrote the great book Flow and he talks about the amazing synchronicities that could potentially happen when you're in the flow. I've been lucky my whole life, but I believe that I have created my luck.
Broad Stroked Or Specialist? – What’s Your Game?
People who do impossible things and leaders are generally broad-stroke guys, and I mean by that part is that they don't tend to get overwhelmed by the details. The people who are generally not hugely successful are far more concerned about the specialization and the this and the that and the little details of things, which is why rocket scientists aren't the wealthiest people in the world.
Knowledge, Courage And Action To Succeed In Business
What does knowledge do? Knowledge gives you courage. Knowledge, Courage, Action. Once you know how to jump out of a plane with a parachute, it's not as scary as if you're just jumping out and you have no idea what thing to pull or what to do. That takes us to the third pillar - action. You could have knowledge and courage, but if you do not take action, nothing happens. You have to be able to fail to succeed.
Assets For The Future – Your Digital Brand
The real estate's an asset. If you can't touch it and feel it, it's not an asset, but I'm hearing you say it's 2021. Real estate is one great asset, but internet real estate is a website domain a book, an audiobook, an amazon store that's real estate. The only difference is amazon can fire you and um you know in real real estate you could get usurped by the government but it's unlikely you know I mean to just get it taken away.
Strategic Valuation Of Your Brand
So I was looking through these and so there's a lot of brokers around the country you get on their email list and I'm just like which one of these can we take on amazon because most of these are crap businesses that I wouldn't want to own. I'm sorry that they built them for 20 years and they're going to go down the tubes but it's good because I was able to look at the earnings, look at the language, start understanding how people buy and sell businesses and that's not an area that I was familiar with more than three years ago. So that's something very interesting which helps you understand you're building an asset whether it's a house or whether it's a product and you make it sell that asset and walk away That to me is exciting about the amazon platform.
On Your Toes Against The Black Hat Game
The fact is that on amazon they want you to know very carefully very, keenly that you are playing in the big boy sandbox. That sandbox is not yours, it is theirs and they will not hesitate to slap you with a suspension if you violate their terms of service or even if you don't. Maybe you have a competitor that doesn't like you, maybe somebody wants to take up your market share, this happens all the time on Amazon and they will slap you with a fake copyright infringement.
Can You Get Things Done?
There are two major themes that I picked up. There is the adaptability theme and I love this. This is so key for negotiation as well. Um, it's really important to plan and prepare and have everything done and build your fundamental skill set and all that kind of stuff. But if you're not adaptable, it's the way that the negotiation moves and shapes, then you'll lose out on a lot of value.
Do You Have A Plan B?
You know what I would tell anyone and what I do. I speak a lot to students and what I tell them on the front end is you know regardless of how well you do, how good you are. How successful you are. It's a million percent. There are going to be losses along the way. So I think going into fighting, going into any sort of life or business, just that awareness of all right, I'm going to do the work, I'm going to train, going to prepare, I'm going to develop the confidence, but I do know that I could lose.
Are You A Leader Or A Micro Manager?
People who do impossible things, people that are leaders are generally broad-stroke guys and what I mean by that part is that they don't tend to get overwhelmed by the details. The people who are generally not hugely successful are far more concerned about the specialization and the this and the that and the little details of things which is the reason why rocket scientists aren't the wealthiest people in the world.
Self Realization Of Strengths And Weaknesses = Right Energy
But rather that they've known themselves they understand themselves that they understand their strengths and they understand their weaknesses and they've come to a place of reconciliation with who they are no. They know that purity rubs off on a person. Yeah, people like if you meet somebody like that you just can't help but want to help.