The Art Of Failing To Win Big…

I think, in general, this is an unpopular view. Not everybody is meant to be entrepreneurial. Some people are better off working for other people. Yeah, the fact is, when you ask people, you know, you ask wealthy people, successful people. Why are you successful? They will invariably come back to say I'm passionate about what I do. Ask Mark Zuckerberg. Why why? Why did you succeed and all these other people? I'm passionate about social media. I'm passionate about this. It's really. This Scott Adams says in his book, how to fail at almost everything and still win big. It's something. Yeah, I love that book. I love it. It's a great book. And I, you know, he talks about this and the fact is most people are going to fail.

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Do You Have A Plan B?

You know what I would tell anyone and what I do. I speak a lot to students and what I tell them on the front end is you know regardless of how well you do, how good you are. How successful you are. It's a million percent. There are going to be losses along the way. So I think going into fighting, going into any sort of life or business, just that awareness of all right, I'm going to do the work, I'm going to train, going to prepare, I'm going to develop the confidence, but I do know that I could lose.

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