How To Lose Your Mind To Find Your Soul?
You're now listening to Hack & Grow Rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co-host Bart Baggett. Every day I'm in mindfulness mode except for the days that I'm in mindlessness mode. As Alan Watts would carefully observe that sometimes we need to lose our minds to find ourselves. So, I'm a big fan of that as I'm a big fan of Alan Watts.
No Room For Safety Or Comfort. Get Going Relentlessly
You can't cultivate that in a very safe comfy thing. If somebody calls you something and your word for yourself is something different and all of a sudden you melt because you thought you were special like a snowflake. The world doesn't work that way. You can create bubbles that work that way but it's not going to make you stronger. It's not going to make you more resilient and we're not going to change the world, change the planet, impact people around us, create great stuff and great stories by falling into that narrative. What you do is you pick yourself up you say good shot let's go again or you pick yourself up and you say is that all you have? Really?
Diversified Risk = Higher Brand Value
If the risk is diversified you're selling in brick and mortar, you're selling on eBay, Etsy, Walmart you're you've got your distribution, people are buying directly from you on your website excuse me if those things are happening, then the risk is more diversified and the value of your company is generally higher.
The Markets Are Moved By Human Emotion
And the one thing that I learned Bart from all of this and I think this is going to answer your question is that the markets are not based on much more than one thing and that element is human emotion. The markets are moved by emotion and they are not reasonable or logical. If they were reasonable or logical we would all figure it out. We would be like Jim Simmons who runs renaissance funds, who's one of the most intelligent guys I've ever heard of, who's got a fund that allegedly you know has never failed and made money year after year and you know he's one of the masters of quant trading. If you're not one of those guys and there's maybe a handful of those guys on the planet.