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Hack & Grow Rich Episode 158:

What it Takes to be an ALL-IN-CEO

with Sanyika The Firestarter



Shaahin Cheyene is joined by Sanyika The Firestarter where they examine the skills and traits that make a successful CEO. They also discussed Shaahin's background, how he got to where he is today, and his advice for aspiring CEOs. Sanyika The Firestarter is a Performing Artist, Keynote Speaker and an Innovative Storytelling Expert. He combines powerful spoken word musical performances with transformational tools that entertain, teach and inspire. He focuses on teaching two aspects of story "Story as a communication tool" and "Story as a belief system". He believes that when we change the narrative behind our personal story we can better tell our story to the world. By the time you leave any of his performances and talks, you will absolutely know “How To Be A Firestarter”.


people, create, hunger, wealth, meaning, life, person, purpose, money, receive, discomfort, fucking, achieve, favor, talking, check, hungry, success, shaahin, rejection


Shaahin Cheyene, Sanyika "The Firestarter", Intro


Intro  00:00

You're now listening to hack and grow rich with Shaahin Cheyene and his co host Bart Baggett, where we discuss hacking your way to success and the unconventional paths to unreasonable success with the people who've been there. And now the author of billion how I became king of the thrill pill cult, Shaahin Cheyene


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  00:32

I'm very grateful to have you here.



Thanks for being here. Thank you for having me, for sure.


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  00:37

For sure I do. We had a conversation before this. We were talking about me talking about where it were in my life, I need to double down and go and go all in areas that need to dig into, to really turn my game up. And, you know, the idea of the all in CEO is not just about guys being the CEO of their business, but about the the CEO your life. Yeah, and, and you need to step into ownership. And sometimes it's to own your ship, you need to own your ship. So, so part of this is about being honest. So you always need to make sure that you have friends who can help you to own your ship and ship. So that's really important. So thank you for being president.


Shaahin Cheyene  01:30

Yeah, I'm delighted to be here. Look, at the end of the day, I feel like we're in an epidemic, but it's not the one. And the epidemic, really is that so few people get a shot. So few people stand for something, anything. So when you go out there, and you see somebody who takes pride, who gives attention to detail in what they do, regardless of if they're gonna get tipped or not to, or if someone's going to recognize it or not, but they're doing it, this is what they do, and actually give a fly, because it's part of their planning, whether they you're impressed, you're attracted to that person's energy, their vibe, like you were talking about? And the reason is, is that there are so many people out there who were just inertial, or just going with the flow, like, what do you want to do you want chicken or steak? Right you want? What should we have? Five minutes for now look like? What are you doing? Oh, well, maybe I'm doing this. Why are you doing. And that's the problem. Nobody stands for anything. Very few people. Nobody really believes in what they do. Everyone's a slasher, and this slash that flashed this last time. So when we meet somebody really take doesn't matter what they do, they could be the best waiter at a steak restaurant. And the guy knows everything about all the states and he knows how to make you smile. And that's all he does. But he's fucking great that you feel that sense of purpose. And so few people approach life with that in the fit in the sense that I get about you. And through our friendship and knowing you for the years that I've known you, is that you really broke it, you always bring it because who you are, is the product who you are is the message. And I think that's what was dope about our conversation? Is this realization that who you are isn't just good enough who you are, it's fucking great. Because you believe in something you stand for something if you have a fucking opinion. So few people have an opinion in what they do. You're like, dude, is that really European? Or is that something you heard on Joe Rogan? Is that really your energy really take time to self reflect? Your self reflective human being I see that. Every time we meet, I see that you you've taken a moment to reflect back on the things that matter. And you made a point now, six months from now, those might not that six months from now, something else. But for now, you're all in


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  04:36

though, though, but two things. I want to just speak to you on that because I think this is really important. What are the in that in that area and I fully receive and I use words like receive because I had to learn how to receive. One of the things that I realized in my own journey is that what was preventing me from Stepping into greater possibility was just literally being open to receive. Because I, you know, it's like, oh, I want more money. Well you to do that you have to be willing to receive. There's some specific tactical components necessary, but you need to be, logistically be able to receive money like bank account, transfer, and, you know, saying like you need like, like those types of things, and you just need to be emotionally ready willing to receive? You know, I know, you've heard examples. So like, just real quick is that, you know, have a standard referral commission. I think anybody needs to have a standard referral commission. Yeah. So money comes from anywhere for any reason whether they know about internet. So I think to myself, like, after I reached out to somebody, because I got it was referrals, like, you know, giving you information, so I can give you a check. And he was like, Oh, I'm good. Because that that thing is what I used to do everything. Oh, okay. He was like, I was like, no, no, this is part of my wealth circulation. This is a part of like, how I operate? Yeah, it actually does something for me to give you this check. Because this is the way that I want to operate. Yeah, something like you're like, actually want to give you this check. And I want to be in that space, because there's a reciprocal relationship in that situation. So I used to do that with compliments, I would do praise and would do that, I didn't even realize it. So that's the first thing is just being willing and open to receiving. The second thing is, is that is that I had to learn from people who are respected like you. So the thing is, is that I had to, sort of before I knew how to walk, I had to seek people who were walking, to be able to just like, trust that I could figure it out. You know, so I so like, in ways that you may not even know I was, I was like, I'm modeling him. You know, like, I'm learning how to walk, I'm learning how to get my legs and learn how to deal. So it's not just about like, like we we but like the way that you operate the way that you show up the way that you are. Like how that that because I've always like respected who you are, how you show up the way you present yourself the way that you communicate ideas, your level of intentionality. And so I was like, oh, I need to visit other individuals, like it's a model in terms of the way that I need to move. Yeah, so receiving receivership like being willing to receive and then having people who can model life, you know, because all people I was modeling my life from before, he bits and pieces, and everybody can get the pieces, but I was like, but I was trying to create a new life. So to create a new decree, whether visuals, I appreciate that.


Shaahin Cheyene  07:47

No, I love that add to that. I'll actually give you a really good app. Most people don't realize this too. So when when you're in that state, one of the coolest things is that is you want to achieve really high levels of achievement and get people to really connect with you call people and ask them to call somebody and ask them for a favor. So I know you've got the discipline of making 100 calls called Ask in person. When people do something for you. That is an opportunity. It's an opportunity to create an action. It's an opportunity to create flow. And most people think, man, let me let me bring value. Let me call this person out and give them something. Sure that's great. And all that the thing that's actually better is calling him up and asking them for a favor. Hey, Cindy, I got a huge favor to ask you. You can have your Netflix faster.


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  08:52

Yeah, you. Can I just say like, when you said that? Can



I ask you for a favor? Yeah, I felt the chemical response.


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  09:02

I felt that I felt the chemical response in my body. Go Oh, like I'm so kind of like, what do I need to get on it straight up.


Shaahin Cheyene  09:13

So here's the problem. As entrepreneurs as as men, we want to fix it ourselves. We want to do it ourselves. So we feel so compelled to work in a vacuum, which is one of the biggest rookie mistakes that you could ever make. Most rookies work in a vacuum, look at successful people. They have other successful people around them. They have mentors, they have advisors, and they will they don't have to necessarily listen to everybody in what they thought they were going to do. They might do it in the first place, but they will hear out a number of people consider a bunch of different is the one thing we know for sure in life is that to make better decisions, you need to have more options, more options you have in life. The higher the probability of success, now, you might not use any of those options, you might go with the first thing that you were going to do anyways. But it's the presence of those options that illuminates your path for you. So in that way to engage causes somebody is going to make you uncomfortable because you no longer working in a vacuum. And our natural reaction, let me ask you this, what's your natural reaction? To ask them the perfect? If you were gonna call?


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  10:31

physiological response? When like this? Why? Oh, because of my, because I'm unaware of this. Now. My two core wounds are rejection and abandonment. Yes. So my primary my core wound of rejection, meaning, I don't want to be rejected by asking you for something.


Shaahin Cheyene  10:51

Okay. Take it one level. Right? What do you think jority of people have an issue, asking somebody for a favor. What's What's the majority of people what were their thoughts in under person, but somebody else,


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  11:07

maybe that maybe lack of trust or close reciprocation, reciprocation, whether they, whether they would do it to?


Shaahin Cheyene  11:19

Well, if I am asking you for something, now, I'm indebted to you. So we don't want to be indebted to other people. It's a natural reaction from the 1000s of years of evolution. But it's okay. It's okay to be in debt. Because once that happens, it opens up the flow, right? I've had so many great deals, so many transactions come out of asking people for favors. So we have to get out of our own limiting beliefs and our own limitations, and get out there. And and ask.


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  11:59

That's so great. That's, that's powerful that names and and for one of the things I learned is something in the context of what we call a request referral sequence, is that you ask somebody for a referral. And yes, a return, you know, like, this is like the favorite. So, hey, look, I'm looking forward for for somebody who's, you know, who is who wears collared shirts, who has sort of like fabric collection, open that necessarily a full beard, gown, ball head? And, you know, guy who's really well spoken, you know, anybody who fits that description, you know? And they may be like, oh, yeah, totally, that's about it, you're like, Oh, let's see, they may self ended up. So the idea is that, when you persist, am I able to, you know, look for people who, if I'm on business, so like, I'm looking for somebody who has, you know, pretty much like at least 500 to 800 square yards on plot of land, somebody who's, who needs the grass pedigree a couple of weeks, and somebody who, you know, for whatever, you know, stands probably has a budget of 100 bucks a week to be able to do that, you know, anybody who fits that description, they go, oh, yeah, me. Right. So they self identify their process. So we came up with you were talking about the favor asking the favors like, now, is that I can ask is that in that process? I can also ask for somebody to to be in that reciprocity. So I can be in that reciprocity, because I will issue the same, the same thing. Yeah. Yeah,


Shaahin Cheyene  13:43

look, at the end of the day, okay. This, this is a very common problem. I see. So, I came up in the morning, I left home, as you know, at a very young age, and I literally made sure that I was hungry. Why? Because if I didn't sell, I would. And I knew that forging that neural connection will we know from the work of Norman dodge, that the brain changes itself is that neurons that fire together, wire together. So we take one thing, and another thing, and we associate them through events that have high importance to us that those neurons fuse together, so we only need one of the stimuli to create love. So I knew that if I was hungry, and that I did something that I knew was good for me, which was making a sale, that that process of making the sale led to my satiating my hunger, which had that positive association, so very early on, I learned to become a salesperson. So I came up being hunger. And to this very day, I have the same neural connection coach, most people are scared to go out there and fucking sell. And when we get down to the core of it, why aren't you selling your product? Why aren't you selling your service your fucking also, it comes down to the didn't believe in in what they're saying. And this is the thing if you believe in what you sell, fucking quit, go work at McDonald's, go do some other ship, you don't leave them where you don't have to give a pound of flesh. But if you really believe in your product and your service and what it is that you're doing, you are providing service. And it is a great disservice to the world at large to the people around you to not have the opportunity to partake in what it is that you are offering them. So you need to get fucking great at selling. Whatever it is, if you have one skill set, it should be sales. And there should never be a doubt in your mind that what you're selling is an absolute service to whoever it is who's buying. And that's what all ends about.


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  16:18

You damn sure you are answering. I love that, dude, the neural connection, basically what I heard is fighting for your food is that we need to be willing to fight for our food. And sometimes the fear of rejection, because it's so deeply tied to who your inner child to who you were as a kid, is that fear of rejection far supersedes a person's willingness to fight for food because they haven't had it hasn't been modeled for them. Yeah, they haven't had a model that can actually recreate that connection that you can ship out of the connection of being falling back. Because I don't want to fight because I don't want the rejection, to actually be being put into space for you to pay for your food. And that's why that is the reason that I started this because I wanted to make people hungry for creating the connections to not just buy a few foods from the wealth perspective. But it's also meant for your relationship because that posturing this also happens in relationship. Yeah, you know,


Shaahin Cheyene  17:22

yeah. And she got you got to be hungry. That the worst thing that will happen to is not a company. And being rich is fucking great. So if you're, if you're rich and abundant, that's great. If you're hungry, that's really fucking. The worst thing that you can do. And you and I have talked about this before, is to just be mediocre, just be comfortable enough, where you don't really have the push to achieve excellence. And that's the biggest fucking me that is my biggest. It's not it's not the downtrodden and lose the hunger because I know what to do with that. It's to be just comfortable enough and most most men suffer from that. If you look around us, and you look at the incredible abundance, that is America, on my family, we came from a third world country, we came from Iran. And we and Iran, we had people with extreme poverty, we had people with extreme wealth. But in general, it was nothing like coming here we came here seeking a better life for ourselves. And when you come here, you really see, especially if you're a person who's traveled to the Third World and traveled to places like India, and Brazil, and I've been to all those countries, and you really see true poverty. You see, see people really, really struggling with very little hope of getting out of the situation. And then you come to America, which arguably for a lot of people, it's one of the greatest countries in the world. And you see that the problem that we have with most people, particularly in the middle class, isn't that they're hungry. The problem is that they're just comfortable enough. And if you're a man and you want to be a high achiever, that is the death of mediocracy is the absolute death of success. It's not hunger, hunger is good. Like, we do intermittent fasting. I've done it for a good part of 30 years, and I'm a big fan of fasting and my wife is kind of in and out of it. And she's, you know, newer to it than I actually am. He hasn't gotten the care to support her. For me. It's not anymore. It's fast, but for her. I think it's a little bit more challenging. And I'm like, how's it going? She's like, it's not just hungry, and I'm like you have to find the hunger. Hungry doesn't come easy. It's easy to be comfortable. There's a for most people, especially watching the show isn't abundance, everything around you, you can get comfortable, you can get comfortable enough where you never have to achieve that. And I think what you and I were talking about is we have to push out we have to seek discomfort, we have to get out there and find that hunger, believe that if you can do that, that really brings such a greater appreciation, that juicy steak is going to taste so much better.


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  20:32

That is the finding the hunger, finding the hunger and can visit the background, can you tell us about more of your story and how you got how you how you built this relationship with yourself where you are now in pursuit of excellence and in pursuit of achieving rare in your life.


Shaahin Cheyene  20:57

So when I was younger, I used to think that it was money was the thing that I wanted. And I very quickly learned that it wasn't money. Instead, it was excellent. It was creating something that made an impact more so the next thing was impact. Making money was fun. Don't get me wrong, I still had a great time making money. It's a game. It's great. And once you learn to master that game, man, I know it's funny, because if you haven't made money in real money, big money, people are like, Oh my god, it's so out of touch and whatever. And you're like, look, there's tons of people out there doing it. So there's a way to crack that code. And you can figure it out. My knock on these people want it to come easy. People watch tick knockers and influencers, hey, do this and start this and do that. And I'll teach you how to do it just by saying by the illustration, want it to be easy. That's the aspirational aspect of social media, which is lying to you. But the fact is that you're gonna have to work for it. And making money especially big money, involves hard work doesn't have to involve struggle, but it involves hard work. Now, for me my story, by the way, for anybody that's interested, they can check out my book building how to continue to throw phone calls, where I tell my story on the podcast called Hacking grow. Rachel, we talk a lot about that stuff. So checking, I guess, and just people negotiating And we'll include it in the show notes for people for sure. But I started my first company was shifting, left home, you know, 10 years into grants. me wrong when I was five left by 15. And I went out on my own I found out. So I went out, I left my friends loved my family had nothing. And I started my first company come up through electronic music, the dancing the EDM scene, the rave scene at that time. And I created this pill. And before my 21st birthday, the company had created over a billion dollars in revenue. pause for a moment.


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  23:01

You said before what birthday



before May 21. Before you're 20


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  23:06

you had a company that generated a billion with a beat


Shaahin Cheyene  23:10

or be the one that was still a big deal. Now you get all these unicorns that are worth multiple billions. So back then that was a big deal. It's crazy.


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  23:19

It's still there, there's a billion with a b is even adjusted for inflation. A big deal. So most people don't never snip snip a billion dollars. They won't even snip it. They want you to get close to Yeah. Oh 90% of Americans who don't make six figures. Sure. Yeah. So there's a there's a significant amount of individuals that that will never use that password. Sir, so their verbal ecstasy pill billion dollars at 21. What is how's life changed for an individual at 21? Making? I have a company generated really? Well,


Shaahin Cheyene  24:02

I think when you're making that kind of money, and you have that 15 minutes of fame, which I had, I was all over the TV and I'd walk in so people recognize you, you start to realize the things that matter. And as with anything with money, when you have enough of it, there's not there's only so much that you can do once you achieve a certain level of wealth. That's why a lot of these guys are billionaires and whatnot now isn't ever at that level in they start going into the kingmakers. So they start getting involved in politics, and start to do big things like Bill Gates, who's done amazing work and in the world of philanthropy. So they start to attack things on a wholesale level with their money and they have to give away a bunch. So at a certain point, that kind of sense for me. I was just this kid Who partly got lucky. And I believe we create our own luck and partly hustle. And it was at the right place at the right time. And I was relentless and willing to do whatever it took to succeed. And I did that I did do whatever it took, in order for me to achieve that level of success. And of course, when I got there, I was like, okay, is this all there is, like, Alright, what else can I buy, I had the boats and the exotic cars, and I was driving my Lambos and Ferraris, and I actually own that shit, I just rent it and put it on and all of that stuff. And I lived that life for a while, you know, traveling to private islands, with celebrities, being on private jets, and yachts and, and did all that. But and that's fun. Don't get me wrong. If you have an opportunity to do that, by all means, do that. It's fucking it. But at the end of the day, the thing that brought meaning to my life was doing things that impacted other people. The greatest feeling in the world for me, was walking into a store and seeing somebody delight in picking up that magic thing that I created. I created over 200 products in those days. And I walk into the store and people gather around and talk about it, it was almost like a second chance to object. And I'm like, I I bought a moment of joy, a moment of change into those people's lives. And the world, the universe, whatever you believe in at large, has rewarded with wealth. And I've seen,


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  26:38

huh? Oh, that's awesome. That is, that's magic question. Here's a redirect woman. This is not a courtroom. If it was a courtroom, I'm out of order. You're out of everybody's out. So what's your definition of how do you define purpose?


Shaahin Cheyene  27:06

Purpose is akin to freedom. And freedom is being able to do what you want, when you want how you want weight, period. And your purpose revolves around that. So for me, Look, I'm not a fashion guy. I don't flash my wealth. I don't go out there making people feel it needs me because I have this. I try to inspire people. idea that amazing. Evening for me, is having dinner with my family. Being with my son, being with my wife, having a meaningful conversation over dinner with friends with family. Those are, that's what my billing is. Labeling is taking my son out fishing, and being able to turn my phone off and being like, Dude, it's just me, just hanging up. That's what that's for you. And I can do that any time. I don't need to be in a Lambo with a Jacuzzi in the back with sippy cups. Don't get me wrong, all this stuff is fun. And it's great, but it's for sure. The things that bring meaning to our life are far less shiny, far less flush. If you want to live a purposeful life, a life of meaning, and I'm, I'm just speaking for myself, every other person is different, what they find me and I had no judgment on anybody else. But what I know is what works for me works for me. And for me, it's always family first, and stepping up and being there being present, for my shame with my wife and my son or my friends. And the second part of that is being impactful in the community, and helping others who have the desire who have the motivation who have to drive much like what you do, helping them achieve their highest level of greatness or, or conversely understand that they absolutely fucking suck. Because there are people that are just a lost. You gotta figure out which one you like. And it's a service either way, it's a


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  29:22

movie hit me up with the words everything is free. You can serve them for a fee and you cannot serve them at all, which is also a form of service. And because it will serve them to find the right people that they want to serve. And so I feel you want to that I love the context around what it really will come with matters and around finding meaning. Being able to do what you want, when you want with who you want. Right What is it again, what you want when you want Who you with who you want, how you. So what you want, when you want to, we want how you want, I love it. And I heard that from a few other people. And so when I look at the idea of meaning, like purpose is simply meaning, what is the purpose. And the one thing that I think happens in May in different instances, I was talking to the guys who are currently going through the current cycle of the initiation about purchase this point. And I was talking to them about meaning about how you establish reading about how one establishes meaning how we create. And in the intention laminate is that when you step into creating meaning is that remembering the purpose, we forget, the purpose has an S at the end of it has purposes is that there was no seeing your or you don't need to find your purpose, the intention is, is that you simply identify meaning and things that you're doing. And if what you were doing does not have the meaning that makes you feel fulfilled. And the intention is to transition, what brings you to tune into the set claim it as opposed to circuit there, it's around, you just need to claim. And some of us are guided by the wrong


Shaahin Cheyene  31:15

purposes. So yeah, and you get a ton of fucking noise. Like you did a very moving piece, it was actually one of my favorite spoken word pieces of us, which was called the war for your attention. You should perform them to your audience at some point. But I feel like that time wasn't always that way to how do you know, what you stand for? How do you know what your purpose is, what your meaning is, what any of those things are, when at every moment, there's a million things buzzing and vibrating and going off and demanding your attention and tick tock and look at this new dance and all look at that person and this person and this shiny invention thing. You got to find the whitespace you got to find the space in between the space. And you got to be okay with that most people are not okay with that. Most people aren't okay. With silence, most people are not okay. With just sitting in their discomfort, it's not quiet long enough for them to experience the discomfort. That's why meditation is so powerful. And I don't espouse any specific type of meditation, I think anyway, where you can get to a state for eight to 10 minutes and get back into life. And don't take another second on it is nobody needs to teach anything, you don't need any equipment, you don't have to pay anybody you don't need a dude wearing a loincloth and stick to you, you know what you need to do, you just need to shut the fuck up and sit with your discomfort for eight to 10. That's why it's so important. Because we become inundated with noise. And then when you think about it, you can break that down in a million different ways. But it's not the lack of self knowledge for most people. Especially if you're a person that's reflected. It's the noise that stops you from hearing your truth.


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  33:25

And breathing. He said my offerings for everyone to breathe in what he just said, and to be able to sit this out for that.





Sanyika "The Firestarter"  33:43

And it's not necessary. It's really just listening, just breathing in, and no response and just be so I think thank you for that. This a week of revenue, what like, what are you currently working on? And how can people get involved in what you were correct?


Shaahin Cheyene  34:03

Yeah, so if anybody's interested in being on great shows like this one, we have this really cool new startup. And you guys can check it out called podcast cola. And it's where we get you to sell whatever it is that you're some without ever having to sell. And we do it through the power of something that you are amazing at count store. And the best way we know to tell stories is through podcasts just like this. So if anybody's interested in being featured on shows just like this, and others check out podcast We get you booked on ratios. It's a very low transparent flat fee game unlimited bookings were volume model. So we have that going wrong. The other thing if anybody's interested in my story, my book Oh, you guys can check out billion how they can can get the turbo pulse will share them to that as well for sure. If you are interested in creating recurring revenue streams, I still also teach people now we're looking now for the next tranche of about 30 to 50 people for the Amazon FBA mastery course that is the URL for that.


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  35:28

And URL for the STLR we always want to make sure we honor people set the alarm goes off that nothing is behind the curtain. Okay, damn it, fourth wall, whatever. Nothing is behind the curtain, just letting you know.


Shaahin Cheyene  35:44

So I started this course where we teach people how to create recurring revenue streams with very little cash. And it's called FBA seller for stock calm, including link below. Will please guys just reach out to me my email is dark That's Dr. Kz e. S I am very accessible and I return all emails personally it may take me a minute because I've got a lot of inflow but I will get back to you. So just reach out to me. It gets fortunate.


Sanyika "The Firestarter"  36:16

I love it. Not only are you one of the baddest entrepreneurs on the planet, but you're one of the greatest fathers and family men that I know and a high integrity human so I always respect that thank you for being on the call and CEO of Hell Yeah, appreciate it. I found me absolutely in studio Thank you for having us. And please, I will drop all the links in the show notes. So make sure that you access and you click on that and you get into this it's in his universe it's a really beautiful University and also the billions is available as well. Yeah, billion, not the TV 7 billion and I guess on the next episode All I see Yeah. Alright, so there we go.


Shaahin Cheyene  37:01

Okay, that was fun. If you liked what you saw, make sure to subscribe and like below. Make sure to leave us a comment and join the community


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About - Shaahin Cheyene -

Hi, my name is Shaahin Cheyene and I help individuals and owners transform average sales into extraordinary income using my predictable sales system that never fails. Whether you have zero online sales, want to start on Amazon, or have products that just need a push, I can show you how to do it. If you're interested in getting more sales with predictability, watch my FREE CASE STUDY Now!


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