Hack & Grow Rich Episode 130:
Tips from the World's Leading Amazon Expert
w/ Rob Kosberg
people, fucking, sasha, called, money, amazon, book, create, sell, thought, dollars, markets, world, pills, drug dealer, man, podcast, matcha tea, shaahin, business
Shaahin Cheyene, Sasha Karabut
Sasha Karabut 00:02
We're live. All right. Welcome back, everyone. So thanks for joining us for another episode of leap of faith today. Very interesting, interesting guests for you. So strap yourself in rank number one Amazon accelerator. This gentleman escaped the Iranian revolution of 1978 and fled back to Los Angeles, right, so so hold on, I'm not finished yet. He's since then gone on and created over a billion dollars in revenue by inventing this legendary smart drug that we'll dive into a little bit through the podcast. Now, he's also the founder and CEO of accelerated intelligence, which is a major player in the Amazon FBA seller space with millions of dollars in sales. He's also head coach of Amazon mastery, where he teaches entrepreneurs how to crush it on the Amazon platform and an all round a phenomenal guy. So thanks so much for joining me today Shaahin. It's I'm excited for this. I know the audience is going to get a lot from this. Thanks for joining me number one. And after you jump in, rewind me back to a place or one of the biggest leap of faith moments that brought you to where you are now.
Shaahin Cheyene 01:16
I love that thanks for having me on Sasha super honored to be on. You know, it's it's I love the title of your podcast, because I think my whole life has been a leap of faith. And I talk about this a lot, I talk about it to my students, I talk about it when I'm giving talks. And that risk is the amount of risk that you take is proportional to the amount of success that you will have. It doesn't mean that you have to take a stupid risk or non calculated risk risks can be educated and intelligent as well. But you do have to take risk, the guy working for minimum wage at a fast food restaurant has the lowest possible risk, but the highest possible certainty. And the guy that owns the restaurant, or the corporation that owns the restaurant has the highest potential for making profitability, and the highest risk that comes along with that. Interestingly enough, I decided at a very early age, to take the risk, which was probably one of the greatest risks ever, which was leaving home as a teenager. And you know, we came to the United States, as teenagers when I was I'm sorry, when I was like about four or five years old. And then by the time I was 1415, I was like, I'm out, you know, and that that's the risk that I really took. And I decided that I was going to go out there into the world and seek my fame and fortune. And I didn't have any friends. I didn't have any family. I didn't have any money. I didn't have any schooling. This was pre internet, pre Facebook, pre cell phones, pre all that stuff. And so I left. And fortunately, my gamble paid off, I met a mentor somebody who was willing to mentor me somebody super mysterious, I write about it in my book billion. And I started joining the electronic music scene, the dance scene, what we called the rave scene in those days. And it was the early 90s and the rave scene was Bowman music everywhere. People going to these parties at all hours of the night. And I learned that if and I have in mind you I was sleeping on the beach, in abandoned buildings in the backseat of you know, an old car surfing on couches. Whenever I met people I had literally nothing I was surviving on eating ketchup and relish at hotdog stands, whatever I could get my hands on. And so I decided to start taking part in this electronic dance music culture. And I started going to these raves I managed to get to know some of the promoters and they would let me and they knew I didn't have any money. I was just a kid. So I would get in or I would just sneak in through the back door through you know, one way or other I would get in and the speakers would be there, the parties would start late and they would go to the morning, which is the perfect opportunity for me to hang out a little bit, kind of watch what's going on and then fall asleep in a back room or behind the speakers, which was glorious. And yeah, I'd wake up in the morning and then I could go have a day. Well, I started to realize that there was a lot of money being made at these events, but it wasn't what you think. So I thought, let me see if I can follow where the money is. I thought these promoters they're getting 10s of 1000s of people coming to these underground parties. These raves they must be doing really well. No, those guys always running from people because they never have enough money to even make the bills. So then I thought to myself, Well, you know what, Sasha, maybe it's the DJs musicians make money wherever see rock stars, music DJs DJs make money? Nope, the DJ standing outside broke with their hands out wondering why nobody ever pays them. DJs always got stuff like they professionally didn't get paid. So then I thought, you know, it's it's not the real estate because the people that own the real estate weren't getting paid. These were mostly warehouses that were broken into and borrowed without the owner's knowledge. So then I thought to myself, who are these people who keep this going? Night after night? And yeah, and I saw some guys, and I was like, these guys are always happy, they slip a little bit of money to the DJs to keep going, they helped the promoters, who are these guys, and I was like, Oh, it's the drug dealers. Interesting. And at this point, I was getting real tired of being broke Sasha and I was thinking to myself, man, if only I could be like, these guys, I could have a nice car, I could have a beautiful girl, I could have all the things that go along with being a drug dealer. And then it hit me that I would be really fucking bad at crime, like crime and me wouldn't get it. I would just worry about it all the time. So I thought, Okay, well, crime being out of the equation, how do I make this happen? And I thought, Wait a second. ecstasy was the biggest drug in those days, Molly MDMA, it was very difficult to make. So the supply had dried up. And the amount of people who knew how to make it correctly, had basically been wiped out for a period of time, the demand was ever increasing in the clubs. There wasn't enough supply and the drug dealers were desperate. I was at the right time at the right place. Right, decided, hey, what if I came up with a legal version? That was completely natural, no side effects couldn't get me in trouble. And I could produce it for cheap and sell it for expensive. So I went out and did it. And at that time, I managed to get myself a girlfriend. We literally Sasha we're making it up in her kitchen and our bathtub. And you know, it was these goo filled balls. And I reached down I grabbed my my balls. And I said alright, dude, let's go. Right. That's a euphemism for shot. Yeah. So I found my courage. I went out to the club, found the first drug dealer I saw and I said, Hey, Sir, will you sell this? They took one look at me said fuck off kid. And I said, Okay, I gotcha. But you're gonna go to jail. He said, What What do you know? Are you a cop? I said, No, not a cop. But here's the problem. You're selling junk, you don't have enough drugs. This is a club packed with people, you're gonna run out of even the junk that you do have, and you probably end up going to jail. sell my stuff. You won't go to jail. I guarantee you, everybody will love it. And if you don't sell it, throw it away. If you sell it. Give me a little bit of money. All right, let's try. So he reluctantly did it. And in about an hour, we were looking around the club, people pumping their fists in the air, everybody pointing at me. That guy comes to me wipes the sweat off his brow and he goes, kid, how soon can you get me more. And that was it. It was on. It went from one guy to 10 guys, to 100 guys to 1000 guys to 10s of 1000s of these dealers creating this illicit distribution circuit through drug dealers throughout the clubs, selling my pills legally. And then that expanded Sasha went when I was making millions of dollars. And they went from there. We got it down to five beautiful pills. They had a butterfly, they had an E on the other end, they were packaged in these beautiful pyramids, and they were everywhere. And everybody knew us and the drug dealer started going legal. We started selling in record stores, clothing stores, we were all over the world, even in Australia, Japan all over the world. We were selling the stuff. And so one day not too long after that I walked into my office in Venice Beach, California when you guys always see on TV. And at this stage I was employing close to about 200 people. We weren't 30,000 stores. I had everybody everybody was working for me. And I remember getting the news that we had broken up billion dollars in sales, pre internet, pre Facebook, pre mobile phones, pre social media. We had broken a billion dollars with a B billion in sales. And there I am looking like this for you guys who are just listening to us an audio I'm holding up the picture of myself back into As you guys can check it out if you see the artwork for the book, that's me with long hair and this pink robe. And I got the news. And I had no shit moment like this total panic moment I had that was like, Holy fuck. I don't know how much a billion dollars is. And I realized I didn't know what a billion dollars was that 100 million 1000 million 50 million, who knows. And so I started to have this panic until they calmed me down. And then they wanted me to be on CNN and to be on nightline and 60 minutes and all the different channels wanted me on and all the talk shows one of them and I realized, okay, they just want the lawncare kids to come talk about this. I'll figure out how much a billion is right there. And it was a mad ride. After that. We had experiences where we had the mob tried to shake us down. We have the Japanese Yakuza tried to take over our business. I was flying on private jets on yachts all over the place. And hanging out with celebrities Academy Award winning celebrities hanging out with famous people, millionaires, billionaires, rock stars, and it was a wild ride. And all this was before I was 25. Before you were 25, before I was 25. Yeah. Damn, man. That's insane. And I'm going to ask the question that the audience is thinking so what what was in the magic pills. So it was a combination of herbs that duplicated the effects of ecstasy, it was a combination of an herb called ephedra, which is illegal in Australia, I believe. And another herb called Gwadar that came from Brazil, that it's a high caffeine or but it had some other benefits. And there was a way where we extracted all the stuff and put it together that gave it kind of the feeling that you might get from a very mild trip of ecstasy. Wow, wow. And all that before, you're 25. Like what happened then? Most of it was when I was in my teens, actually. So it was it was well, before I was, you know, 2011. And what happened, then, you know, eventually, you know, the government started cracking down, and they would cancel out one of my formulas, they would, they would, they would ban it, and then we'd rush to make another formula. And they would ban that, and then we'd rush to another one. And then they chase us around and sue us. Until finally I got tired of it. And I exited we sold they sold the assets of that company. And I went on to solving another problem, which was that of smoking. So I thought okay, for 1000s of years, our ancestors have burned plants in order to just get a little bit of the elements. But yeah, you get smoke, you get tar, you get carbon monoxide. And those are all the things that cause cancer. I mean, surely, in all these 1000s of years, somebody figured out a better way. Well, turns out nobody had. So we went about creating digital vaporization and I patented it, wrote the book on it and invented the portable digital vaporizer, the forerunner of what you see now and all these people smoking vape. Right, right. And I took that company to a place where I had an exit in 2006. And that company went public on the in the US markets, and it's still public To this day, I'm no longer involved in it. And from there, I back in the day, so fast forward to like 2009 when you could get Jeff Bezos on an email or on a phone because he had started this Amazon company. And he was still mainly selling books. news came out that he's going to open it up to third party sellers meaning me, you anybody who wants to sell anything they want to on there, and Bezos being a super hyper intelligent human being coming from Wall Street coming from da Titan. Hiring former Walmart execs to build out the most beautiful fulfillment operation known to man or pick packing and shipping making it easy on sellers decided to open it up to third party sellers. So I said, Hey, I had invented a brain pills thing called acceleron that you can get here in the States, which is awesome for mental functioning, and improving brain function and peak performance and getting into a flow state. And I thought, Hey, man, this would be a great way to try to sell this stuff. So I look alright, let me you know, I actually emailed Bezos, you know, we got a response back. I was like, All right, let me sell this on that platform. So I put it up on the platform. Once asleep, it was $100 100 $120 a package woke up the next day to 1000s of orders, like no joke. 1000s of orders just from putting it out there. Because it was like wild west and early days of Amazon, of course. And I thought to myself, fuck man, like this is it? This is the next big thing and Bezos is no dummy. He's playing coy and being like, Oh, I'm this nerdy internet guy but he is sharp. He is sharp as a tack and ready to pounce. This is the train I'm going to get on and we did I decided to learn everything I could about Amazon. And now I'm at a place where luck, I don't need to work. My lifestyle is pretty good. I've made many times over in my lifetime the money that I need to survive and live a good life and you know, kind of enjoy the lifestyle that I have with me and my family, I've got a little boy that I love. And we travel all over the world. But what I enjoy doing now is inspiring other people to have the success that I've had mainly on the Amazon platform. And we run this Amazon mastery course which by the way, if any of your listeners or viewers are interested, I've got a one hour course that tells you everything from A to Z, how to get involved in Amazon, how to pick a product, how to beat the algorithm, how to get reviews, all that stuff, it's 200 bucks, I'm gonna include it for free to anybody who wants to reach out from your listenership. We're gonna include that absolutely for free. But we have a course we have mastermind, and I teach people every day, how to build this foundational style of thinking, how you build cash flow, positive real estate, investments with compound interest in the in the markets, how you build an e commerce, business and e commerce platform that's going to in an e commerce platform, that's going to create predictable recurring revenue for you month after month without you having to sell your hours. It's the greatest injustice to entrepreneurs like yourself and me that we would ever have to sell our hours for money. Hmm.
Sasha Karabut 16:29
I'm curious, like, the thing that you do so well, man is you make it so effortless. Seems so effortless for you to diagnose a problem and then formulate a solution to that problem and then commercialize it. I know that like a lot of younger entrepreneurs, and people particularly like starting out, they're like, What do I do? Like, what how do I you don't I mean, like, how would you like, like, if you were to say, and you were to like to still down your thinking or your thought process around the nightclub scene, for example, number one, like looking at that number to the whole, like, you know, smoking vape seeing how you jumped into that next like, talking you through like the the overlap or the the criteria, if you will, like how do you go about like analyzing and detailing something to realize it actually has some potential and then take it into something that with, you know, huge commercial gain. Better than that, I'll
Shaahin Cheyene 17:28
give you a blueprint of how it's done and how you should. So good friend of mine, Australian actually named Wayne boss, who's a friend and a mentor. And Wayne is just one of these super geniuses that gets into deals, he goes in and rescues troubled companies and turns them from $10 million companies into half a billion dollar companies and flips them and he does this like, it's nothing like he was born to do this. Right. Wayne taught me about his three prong system, which is what I've been using all along. Knowledge, courage, action, those three things. So the first thing that you need to think about is distribution first. So this is the thing I teach in my course, and what we'll talk about knowledge, courage, action, that we also talk about my book billion, and anybody who's interested, you can get the first chapter of the book for free now on Spotify, Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, wherever it's called, billion how I became king of the throw pill cult, and the first chapter is on there for free, so please feel free to download it. The first thing is, the first mistake that people make is they think that if I build a better mousetrap, the world will beat its way to my door. That of course we know is incorrect. And we know that companies like Amazon have made that a near impossibility. It doesn't matter if you have a better mousetrap. What matters is that you tell a better story. So knowing that what we do is we don't create products and run around furiously people in my course, at least in Amazon mastery, run around furiously trying to figure out where we're going to sell it. Well we do is we look at markets and we look at Amazon, and we spy sales and we say hey, what sales are these other companies doing? Okay? We've got an indication when we use tools and we teach how to use those tools, and it's in the the one hour course that I'll give you guys for free. So make sure to reach out to me to get that but we share tools on how you spy sales. So you spy sales, you find a market and niche riches are in the niches. So you find a niche where there's a lot of profit, but the competition is weak. And you come in and you dominate that niche, not by having some blockbuster product that's going to revolutionize an industry. Leave that for the Steve Jobs of the world. Wait, wait the Steve Jobs Elon Musk's of the world they can take that risk for us well we're going to do is we're going to come in, we're going to find a niche, and we're going to dominate it by exploiting the weaknesses of the competition. And we do that by finding what the market needs, and just feeding it that it's such an easier path Sasha, then you know, I I'm person who's innovated products for the better part of the last 30 years, I've innovated created products invented patented stuff, and it is a long, difficult, challenging road to profitability. If you want to get to profitability in a straight line, rather than going around and zigzag and whatever. You want to find what the market needs, and then feed it that in and add value. That is the thing. And you always think distribution for us. So back to our three pillars, or Wayne bas pillars that he teaches knowledge. So the first thing you need, how do you get knowledge, you can buy knowledge, rent, knowledge, borrow knowledge, steal knowledge? Once you have knowledge, what does that give you? gives you courage, because you know that with that knowledge, you can do anything. If I told you Hey, Sasha, let's go jump out of a plane tomorrow. You'd be like are right now even, you'd be like Shaahin You're out of your fucking mind what I mean? What do you mean jump out of a plane I you know, I don't know anything about that. You wouldn't have the courage. But if mean, you spent the next month learning about it, learning about the parachute and the backup shoot, and how you doing watching the videos and taking the courses and practice how to land and all this and I said, Hey, Sasha, lets me and you go tomorrow or today and jump out of the plane, you'd be like, bro, I'm it's on let's go. Why, what's the difference, you're not a different person, I'm not a different person, you don't have any less or more courage. It's because you have the knowledge, the knowledge gives you the courage. So in the same way where we acquire the knowledge, that's the first thing we do so on Amazon, we get the knowledge, we teach you the knowledge, that gives you the courage to do the final thing, which is to take action, the one thing that nothing is possible without. So you've got courage, then all that's left is you take the action. And sure, you might fuck up, it happens, I do it, you do it. But you just repeat the process. And eventually, that nail will go through that piece of wood.
Sasha Karabut 22:28
Yeah, I've got it, I've got it. It's really interesting. It's it's quite similar in a lot of ways. I've got like a three, three pillar system that I teach as well. And it's like, information minds like information being number one, because like, you know, this shits everywhere, you can go and buy a book anywhere, and, you know, consume that, but it doesn't really get you anywhere, you know, actions. Number two, once you've got the information, you got to take some action on it. And generally speaking, it's in like a new direction. And then the final piece for me is like feedback. And then feedback comes in the way of you know, maybe it's a coach, maybe it's your environment, maybe it's you losing money, maybe something's happening around you that, you know, provides you that feedback of like what's happening, which will generally you know, inspire some level of new information gathering, and then you go back around the cycle. So it's a bit of overlap there. That's interesting. A lot of sounds
Shaahin Cheyene 23:19
like the same thing.
Oh, I like it, man. It's really cool. I feel like your story's inspiring, like on so many levels, like listening to, you know, what you've done, and how, like, I'll say it again, like easily and effortlessly you talk about, you know, being able to kind of work your way through a lot of the things you've done, what are some of the challenges that you've kind of faced, or what are some of the things that you know, you've really run into in terms of like problems as well?
Shaahin Cheyene 23:50
Yeah, so there have been lots of problems and lots of challenges. One of the cool stories from my book billion, I became king of the through a Paul calls for for you guys who are just tuning in. One of the cool stories in there is that I was in my office. This was in the 90s. And a man shows up very clean in a black suit, with a hat like the 1950s looking guys, and he has a duffel bag with him. And upon closer observation, the hand that is holding the duffel bag is missing a finger, Japanese man, he opens up the duffel bag, there's a million dollars cash, Chris bills in there and an invitation to go to Japan aboard a private jet.
Shaahin Cheyene 24:42
the younger me would definitely do that. And he definitely did. And it turns out to spoiler alert for any of you guys who want to read the book. Be aware of this. But what happened was that it turns out out that the guy was a member of the mob, the Japanese Yakuza, and they were interested in taking over my company. And they weren't asking. And a hilarious evening ensued. And I encourage you guys, if you want to learn more about that, and what happened there, please, you know, read my book billion. But that's just like a little teaser of one of the things that happened. More importantly, you know, if you want to talk about more general things, as opposed to like a specific incident, that happened, there was a lot of people stealing from me. So when you're young, and you have a lot of money, and you don't have mentorship, which is why I encourage people, you know, look, if you don't join our mastermind, join a mastermind, have mentors have people that you can run things by, it's so critical, it's so important to be able to not work in a vacuum. I work in a vacuum a lot of the time, and I had so much money, imagine a billion dollars in revenue. And you've got this teenage kid, no business background, I never graduated high school. I mean, all the education that I had Sasha came from books that I read, I mean, I remember reading, thinking grow rich. And I had the pages of the book, which I had borrowed from the library and not returned because I was the only way I could afford to keep it cut open and highlighted and I had them pasted to the trunk of a car that I was sleeping in. And every night I would light the flashlight, and I would read the pages of this book, because I knew that no matter what was going to happen, that I was going to succeed, and I had that idea that influence and we talked about this a lot that when you are so driven, and I'm not talking about the bullshit drive that we see people on tik tok and Instagram guys are like, Hey, bro, check out my Lambo, man. Yeah, whoo. I'm talking about real fucking grit, like the guys that roll up their sleeves, and I'm fucking willing to go out there and I don't care what it takes. I said there's a guy in UFC called I think it's at a sunya They call him the style bender. And this is a great style bender. Yeah, he's amazing. And there's a great clip of him before he is going into this fight with I don't know, if it's Tony Ferguson, or one of the great fighters of UFC. And you see his face and he's cut, he's sweating. And he's just repeating to himself. I'm ready to die. I'm fucking ready to die. Let's go. And you may have seen this. I think I'm saying this. Yeah. And you can see the conviction in his face the purity. And there's something about that, that's so beautiful. That's so pure, where you're like, This guy has made the decision and he there's nothing you're gonna have to fucking kill this guy. If you want to stop him and he wins he becomes world champion. Same with Tyson fury Gypsy King. If you if you've ever seen seen him fight or hear one of his interviews, he tells you he does not give a fuck about any of that stuff, fame, fortune, any of the All he cares about knocking motherfuckers out. That's all. He says, you know, says I'm a Spartan. And and that's what I'm here to do. And it's in those moments, where you realize somebody is self realized. Not meaning that they've had some great spiritual revelation, or something like that, but rather that they've known themselves, they understand themselves, that they understand their strengths, and they understand their weaknesses. And they've come to a place of reconciliation with who they are. No bullshit. They know that purity. it rubs off on a person. Yeah. Yeah. Like, if you meet somebody like that. You just can't help but want to help them. So people ask me all the time, dude, you didn't have any money? How did you make the first batch of pills? I say, you know what, I went out there and I talked to people I influenced people using the elements of influence. But in those days, I was fucking hungry man, literally, figuratively. And I had the grit and I you you could not tell me many people told me that I was going to fail and I probably should have listened to them. But I didn't know and people would help me I would walk into places and people would smell it on me. They would be like man, I don't know what's going on but a lion just walked in asking just take a fucking give it to I'm gonna help this guy. And that's what happened.
Yeah, it's it's I know exactly. That burn the ships mentality, the focus, the clarity and the like you said purity. You know what I mean? It creates. That is like, there's like, um, I think I think what it is, is you know, when you have that there's no safety net. There's no plan B and it just becomes like, right The only options winning, it just depends on to what capacity I'm going to win. Right? I think the moment you introduce like some kind of plan B or some kind of if this then contingency, it's, I use this analogy, it's like walking into a room like a like a, like an event or something. And there's a whole room of like strangers. And most people, you know, they'll they'll navigate through the crowd and then maybe hold a drink or clutch a drink to themselves these days is probably more so like a phone of you bury yourself in your phone, your social media, and you'll get around the room, you'll kind of maybe meet a few people here and there. But the moment you say like, you know, old Jenny from high school, even though you don't even like Jenny, next thing, you know, bam, you're there, and you're hanging out with her, and you're bitching about all the friends back at high school, and how they're all doing this, and they're all doing that. And then you miss the opportunity of that whole, you know, group of people that probably use new network, new business new, just new opportunity there. Now, if you remove Jenny from the room, the only option is like do you leave meeting everyone? And everyone knowing your name? Or do you leave with 50% of the people thinking you're amazing? You don't? I mean, it's like, to what degree do I win with that burn the ships mentality? I love that you mentioned that man. That's brilliant.
Shaahin Cheyene 31:14
Yeah, you're right. And I'll tell you why. You got to become that motherfucker, that just doesn't give a fuck you become Tyson fury, you become style bender. And when you don't give a fuck, just go in that room and the right people will be attracted to the right situations will be attracted to you, you will build the network, you will make the money. And Jenny and her Seven Sisters and her eight friends will be chasing you down. Because one of the lessons that we learn and you know, we teach it again, you know, in my course, is don't lean into life. My good friend stuart wilde, who wrote the book, The trick to money is having some a great book from the 1990s or late 80s. A little bit of woowoo New Age stuff, but really great. And Stuart was a good friend of mine. He always taught us Don't lean in, you know, when you when you go into the world being like, dude, I'm going to make a million dollars. And I'm going to go out there and I'm going to get the most beautiful girl. The guys that talk like that think like that, guys and girls that talk like that think like that. They never get it. It's pushed further and further away from them. It's the guys that go out there and go, you know what I'm going to bring excellence into the world. I'm going to bring value like Steve Jobs said, let's put a fucking dent in the universe. Because that's what we do. We're alpha men, we're alpha leaders. We're gonna go out there, and we're gonna put a dent in the fucking universe. The money comes as a side effect. I tell the story. You know, it's really funny to this point. So I was sitting in my office, I'm you know, I don't know 19 something like that. And at this stage of my life, it's very difficult for me to trust people. I had so much run, but everybody was trying to get my money. Everybody was after me. You know, I was a little bit paranoid, but I was a lot, right. And so I had this dog and I love this dog. It was a white albino Pitbull. And it was like my only friend, my only real friend that I could trust in those days, right. I didn't trust the girlfriends. I didn't trust the the hangers on or you know, the groupies? Yeah, yeah. It's hard. It's hard when you have your 15 minutes of fame. And you've got you know, mid hundreds of millions of dollars hanging around. It's hard to know who Who's your friend. I just, I just remember going through piles of like, there was like stacks of bills and pills, and people would be sending me real drugs from all over the world. And I'd be like, Fuck, man, I don't do drugs, uh, you know, throw them away. And I was going through these piles and I'd see a check for 1000 bucks, I can deal with that later check for 10,000 bucks. And then you know, the dog knocks down the pile. And I pick it up and I look at one check. And there's a check for a million dollars. And I just put it back on the stack. And I took a double take. It was late. I was fucking tired. I was like, dude, I just took a check for a million dollars. That's probably two months old that I haven't cashed just because I didn't haven't given a fuck, and just put it back on a pile that I'll probably not see for months and months until someone gets to it. That was the level of printing money that we were doing. I was making pills for 25 cents and selling them for $20 all day long. But it just goes to your point of that attitude where I didn't give a fuck. It didn't matter. I wasn't chasing the money. Even when the money came. I was like Yeah, of course. That's the money the money's here. That's like, you know, it's it's like it's just like, Yeah, whatever. Yeah, I heated some eggs. There's no surprise that there's omelet in the pan. Um,
yeah. It's, it's a great way to think about it. This is um, super inspiring, man. Like I'm getting inspired listening to you know your story and the way you can articulate, you know, some of the experiences you've been through to make it really tangible or make it really easy for people to follow along with, like, what we use suggest a starting point, like, you know what I mean? Like, there's so much bullshit in the world right now I'm in the way of whatever's going on with this COVID thing, people are panicking people are fearful, even if you're in a secure, stable job. I was saying to my fiance this morning, all the media and all the noise in the market right now, it still creates this low level, kind of like uncertainty and fear. Right? So what would you say for you know, a young guy, early 20s, maybe maybe teens maybe similar to like yourself? starting point, right? You want to be an entrepreneur, you want to be successful, you are looking to grow something great with this current climate, his current market, like what would you focus on personally, and then also like in in a business sense, as well.
Shaahin Cheyene 35:56
So COVID has been very unfortunate, obviously. And, you know, it's sad that a lot of people lost their lives, they lost family members. So by no means am I making light of that. With that said, many new fortunes have been made over and over again, some of the greatest wealth Let me repeat this, some of the greatest wealth ever produced has been produced over these last two years. I personally know people who've gotten billions of dollars of money just from the business that surrounds the so for humanity is a good no fuck No, man, this is terrible. Nobody, nobody fucking wants to wear masks and wash our hands a million times. Like we're fucking Rain Man Walking around. It's, it's, it's it's not fun. But if you want to look at it from that standpoint, yes, it sucks. If you want to look at it from the standpoint of an entrepreneur, there's never been a time of greater opportunity. Amazon had 400 times greater sales, I'm just making that number up. But it's been an incredible insane amount of sales. All of our Amazon companies have been showing crazy sales, so much so that Amazon, this huge behemoth has difficulty just fulfilling all the orders. People are buying everything. There is money out there real estate is at its absolute height. The stock market is at its absolute height. None of this is going to last forever. We know this fact, markets go up, markets go down. But if you're a person starting out, what I would tell you is you have to think foundationally. And this is the way that we think when we're really young, we think Hey, man, I don't care about tomorrow, let me just focus on today. Let me make my money today. Yeah. But it's not the right way of thinking the right way of thinking is you got to build a foundation, a table with four legs is much better than a table too. So the first leg, the first leg of your foundation should be your job or whatever you're doing, maybe you're selling your hours for money and working your way out of that. But it keeps your baby in diapers, it keeps food on the table, it allows you to go and live a stable life have stability. Now if you've got a trust fund, great. That's that could be that first leg, if you've got a rich husband, rich wife, whatever that is, that could be your first leg of your stability. But you need to have that stability. And for most of us, we have to go out there and work and hustle. The second leg should be cashflow, positive real estate. And you should be buying real estate or getting involved in real estate you don't need money to do it. And having that money create recurring Predictable Revenue Streams for years a lot of wealth that's been created through real estate and I encourage all of my students to get involved in that. And we show you tips and tricks of how to do that. The third pillar and very important one in that is e commerce. Now let's get to the fourth pillar, the fourth pillar, you should have some money in the markets invest in you know if you know about crypto, you can invest a little bit in that but stocks, bonds, things that are compounding interest for you. Back to the third pillar. And one of the most important ones right now is ecommerce as you know, I know you're you're involved heavily in e commerce and in setting up Shopify sites and whatnot. But one of the greatest opportunities for anybody anywhere in the world is to open up an Amazon store, because you can do it for next to nothing. Again, anybody that's interested, reach out to us on the on the links below in the show notes and we'll offer you the one hour course absolutely free. It's a $200 course but we'll we'll just give it to all listeners of Sasha for free at the leap that just mentioned leap of faith. And what you need to know is that when the real estate market is This is not a good time to buy right now is not a good time to buy. Yeah. So what do you do focus on some of these other pillars. Let's focus on building that other piece of real estate, your ecommerce, your Amazon business in the last six months latia close to 20 billion with a B dollars US dollars 20 billion US dollars has been moved migrated from Wall Street to aggregators and spax. Why they want these aggregators to buy Amazon brands and companies. And they're going to take them, they're going to roll them up into one big company take that company public and 30 times their money. With that said, this is going to be happening for the next five, maybe 10 years. So there is never a better time to start one of these Amazon companies, and to start building that piece of real estate. And when you do that, when you have those four legs, you wake up in the morning, oh my god Real Estate's down 3% doesn't matter your cash flow you bought intelligently. But on top of that, you just forget about that your manager will handle that real estate, you move on to Amazon business, Amazon businesses doing great, great. Well, Amazon businesses a little slow this month, but your real estate is doing great, or your compounded interest on your stocks and bonds are doing great. And you always have your job and your stability that feeds your family. So no matter what happens, you can never really have a bad day if you set your life up like that. And that's really the the secret to success is that you want to get rich, slow, not get rich, and you want to get rich in a foundational way.
And like that's I'm sage advice. Like I really want to just implore everyone listening like I'd like to really really like hear those words and men reach out reach out and you know, get some get some help with this, particularly if it's something of interest for yourself. On the on the personal side of things outside of Amazon or outside real estate outside of you know, selling the magic pills. On a personal level like yourself, what kind of like routines, practices, things do you do to keep yourself like so aligned, empowered, on track, because I feel that from the conversation, you're super focused, super clear, and super evident in what you do. And also the results that imagine you get for your clients and students. So what do you do on personal level to keep that fire burning,
Shaahin Cheyene 42:41
most important thing is always family first. I never prioritize anything. My kid, my wife, my family, I never prioritize anything over them. So every morning, I hang out with my seven year old we get hugs and cuddles and kisses and we do whatever he wants to do. If he wants to play chess, great. If he wants to wrestle, a little bit of kickboxing. He wants to go race cars, whatever he wants to do. That's what we're doing in the morning. And sure, I could be doing things that are revenue generating. But for me, that's the single most important thing that gets me in the zone is my family. The second thing that I do is I make sure I get up early in the morning, before the whole noise and negativity of the world before my kids up before my wife's up. And I have a nice little meditation. There's a bunch of different ways. And if anybody wants to reach out to me, there's an amazing virtual reality meditation app that I'd love to share with you guys. I could send you a code for that. And I'm really into the high tech meditation systems now. So I like to do that and get my brain into a deep trance brain state where I can be in the optimal flow peak state. Then I like to do some breathing exercises. Wim Hof, one of the best. There's another guy called Patrick McEwen, an Irish guy who's got this thing called the oxygen method which I love. I will do that. I will then have some aggressive physical exercise. So usually it's two hours of jujitsu an hour of biking running around swimming. Yeah, yeah, it's pretty aggressive. Do you train yourself?
Yeah, yeah, it's it's more so like resistance or functional? Yeah, but um, I add the two hours of jujitsu to
Shaahin Cheyene 44:22
jujitsu can be pretty aggressive. So but it's it's fun combat sports are excellent if it's what your your thing is, if that's what you're into. And you know, and from there, I've got a pretty good regime of supplements. If anybody wants to know what my supplementation regime is, I do a series of supplements for boosting immunity boosting energy levels. I take accelerometers and nootropic we've got a bunch of new nootropic supplements and I take matcha tea, I love matcha tea, we make one called matcha DNA, which is one of the best in the world. You can get it anywhere in the world and it's really spectacular. So I have some tea. I'm currently 90 days cycling off coffee which is fucking hard if you ever want to do not not recommended man I was the first like waco so I was tell it's hard man you know I gotta say like I'm a pretty disciplined human being and you know I can do you know if I've got to eat something I can eat it if I got to not eat something I can not eat it You tell me go keto. I'm there. You know, don't tell me right paleo, let's do that. But caffeine is is difficult. So I the first Okay, so the first month I did no caffeine whatsoever, just herbal teas, mint tea and shit. And I just couldn't fucking do it. So back on matcha tea, I have this Brazilian tea called gwy yasa, which is really good. This other Argentinian tea called yerba Mati, which I really enjoy this Chinese tea called Puerh tea, which is really nice. And, and that's got me feeling pretty good right now. So I don't know, if I'm gonna go back to coffee, you'll make and talk in a little bit. And I'll let you know what 90 days. No coffee is like, I really do like coffee, those the problem? You know, I like the smell and the grind. And my, you know, Italian coffee machine. And the whole sensory experience is really, it's it's really spectacular. But let's see,
how's the? How's the stability? Without the caffeine? Like, do you feel generally speaking a little bit more consistent? Or not? Yeah, so much of a difference.
Shaahin Cheyene 46:28
You're more hydrated, you're more focused. I mean, look, I think coffee, what I'm learning is, is that it's a tool that's very effective when use tactically, but very addicting, and reverse effects when used habitually. So yeah, john, who uses coffee, you probably would find the most benefits cycling it and using it tactically, rather than habitually. Because if you start using it, and then you stop for a few days, and you start having really shitty effects, then you know, you're using it habitually. If you use it, when you're right before a big project, a big meeting, like you're going to sell your company, you're going to get 20 million bucks, you got to meet with the VCs, and you're on a red eye flight, and you're going to get off the flight and you need to be at your best. That's a tactical time. If you wake up at 8am, and you got to fucking have it, otherwise, you're going to be lousy the whole day, then you're using it habitually. Yeah, that's
your this last clarification. And I guess like, I mean, is there some particular points like, I want to be respectful of your time as well, man, I know we booked out a session here for around about 60 minutes. For for you like moving forward into what you're doing right now. It's like fascinating to hear all the different things, you're working on projects, green teas, like, different, all different things. I don't think we dove into that in full depth. I feel there's a lot more that that could be, you know, uncovered. But what's kind of causing you fear at the moment? Or, you know, causing you a little bit of like, hesitation or trepidation of what's to come in the future? Like, what what's the leap of faith that you're on right now?
Shaahin Cheyene 48:13
COVID doesn't scare me. If that's what you're asking. I'm pretty much over it. I think in the beginning, we were all like, Fuck, what is this? Are we gonna die, let's wash all our fruit and wipe down all our fucking groceries and you know, like, don't talk to anybody Don't touch anything. And I think we're, we're now learning that it's not that and we're over. And I'm not a doctor. So I am, you know, I'm not going to speak to, you know, vaccines are not vaccines, I am vaccinated. And you know, I believe in science. So I'm a very science oriented guy. I think one of the things that we learned during this time, which is probably the thing that's most disconcerting, is human nature, and how really nasty people can get if given the opportunity, which leads me to the bigger lesson for us all, is that we can't get caught up in other people's negativity and all their fear and all this stuff. And instead, we have to be in a place where we can bring up our friends and family. And the way we do that is by being successful ourselves. The greatest way for you to empower the people around you, is by you being empowered yourself. So go out there fucking kick ass, make as much money as you can, and come back and then inspire and empower people with the things that you do. A great example of this is Bill Gates, if you ever watched that documentary on him called Bill's brain. Do you ever saw
Sasha Karabut 49:38
i think i think i watched part of it. Yeah, I think I did. Yeah,
Shaahin Cheyene 49:42
yeah, totally worth it. Because here's a guy who, you know, again, he wasn't out there to make billions of dollars. He could give a fuck. He wants to be on an island somewhere with like, 20 bags of books. That's what that guy wants to do. He's not interested in any of action button. But he's one of the wealthiest people on earth. Why? A, because he's obsessive Li excellent. Everything he does is excellent. And he thinks about problems in a way that you or I might not. When we're thinking, dude, I'm going to go out there and I'm going to give 10 chickens to the to the homeless people on the street to help them. People are like, Oh, that's very nice, you're gonna help 10 homeless people, another guy is gonna come along and go, you know what, I'm going to give 100 chickens to the homeless shelters, and then we're going to feed, you know, 100 homeless people, okay, well, that guy's doing a little better. This guy is figuring out how we create synthetic chickens in a lab to solve the problem once and forever. And he calls it wholesale solving of problems, like he's solving a problem with the sewage, and he's solving the sewage issues. And he's tackling these big problems. So he thinks about things in what he calls a wholesale level. And that's really fucking impactful. So somebody who would no less would look at him and go, Oh, well, this guy doesn't care about people. He's not really, you know, when has he donated to a church or charity or, or this or not? But no, that's just an inefficient use of his time. And there's nothing that offends that man more than in efficiency. I feel the same way about inefficiency. He wants to be efficient, he knows he's got a limited time. On Earth. We all have a limited number of hours, and a limited amount of resources, no matter how much wealth he has. And so he needs to figure out the way to make the biggest impact possible with what he has all the resources, including his brain power. And that's why he works the way that he does. And I invite every single person listening to this podcast, reach out, join us and learn how you too can deal with problems on a wholesale level. Empower yourself specially during these fucked up times during these times of COVID. So when all this is over, and we're looking at it from the other end, you've got your foundations, you've got your pillars and you are empowered and other people will be attracted to you so that they can be empowered to
Yeah, it's brilliant man thanks so much so hain This is phenomenal. It anywhere particularly you want people to hang out with you on platforms or anything like that.
Shaahin Cheyene 52:19
Yeah, absolutely. So everybody listening here, please join us. We've got a podcast. You can get it on Stitcher, Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, anywhere podcasts are heard called hack and Grow Rich. If you're interested in my book billion it should be out by the time you're listening to this we think it'll be out late August there's an audio book too if you prefer, you can get that the first chapter again is free. The podcast is called billion how I became king of the throw pillow call. The book will be out on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, all the places you get books, join our podcast Hack & Grow Rich, you can join us on Instagram or YouTube Make sure to like and subscribe. And if you're interested in that one hour course that Sasha and I have been talking about teaches you everything you need to know to create predictable recurring revenue on Amazon, go to my website ShaahinCheyenne.com. That's www shahincheyene.com reach out to us tell us you heard us on leap of faith you want the one hour course for free. And we'll provide that to or go to FBA seller course comm either of those will work. If you want to reach out to me and talk to me just set an appointment. I'm happy to have a free 15 minute call with anybody who wants to up their game and start becoming an Amazon seller and creating that fourth pillar of predictable recurring revenue.
Sasha Karabut 53:42
Oh, man, love it. Thanks so much for all you do, man, this has been better than expected. And I know the audience and the listeners will will get a lot from this. So thanks so much for your time. Thanks so much for your energy. Thanks for inspiring in the way that you do. And thanks for thanks for doing what you do forward to having another podcast in the years to come and seeing where you're at and exchanging stories in the future as well.
Shaahin Cheyene 54:05
Honored to be on Sasha Thank you so much. Thanks so much for Thank you
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Hi, my name is Shaahin Cheyene and I help individuals and owners transform average sales into extraordinary income using my predictable sales system that never fails. Whether you have zero online sales, want to start on Amazon, or have products that just need a push, I can show you how to do it. If you're interested in getting more sales with predictability, watch my FREE CASE STUDY Now!
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