Hack & Grow Rich Episode 5: Winning Goals Vs Systems
systems, goals, work, book, success, talks, fail, outweigh, selling, failures, scaling, win, voodoo economics, pellets, voodoo, pivot, ecstasy, chinese herbs, reviewers, herbal
Shaahin Cheyene
Shaahin Cheyene 00:00
How do you win consistently? How do you continue to win over and over again? And the answer is really simple. It's that you want to make sure that you do have successes, and you do have failures. But the size of your successes has to by far outweigh the cumulative size of your failures. You can have lots of little failures and one big success and be really good. Or you can have lots of normal sized successes, and a couple big failures and still do good. It's just a matter of you got to make sure that your successes outweigh your failures. I know that sounds very simplistic and obvious. One of my favorite books is by a guy named Scott Adams and Scott Adams is famous for having done the Dilbert comics. And I might be able to get him on this podcast at some stage. He wrote a book called How to fail at almost everything and still win big. And it's an awesome, awesome book. But in the book, he talks about something that I hold very dear to my heart. And that's that goals are really bullshit. They're unachievable. He talks about how the world pushes this concept of, hey, you just need to be passionate and have good goals. And you'll make it let's get out there, hustle, culture, everybody. It doesn't work. I know people who have made millions and even billions of dollars and never had a goal in their life. I've never had really a goal in my life. What you want to have is systems and strategy. And we talk about this something one of my mentors, Wayne, Boss talks about often his objectives, strategy, and tactics. And I talked about this in my book billion, a lot. And one of the things that is super important is that you put into place systems for testing, failing, correcting, testing, maybe failing, again, correcting, testing, getting it right, then scaling, if you can do that. And that's the formula, right? It might have more beats to it, you might fail a bunch of times until you get it right. And we do that often when we're selling things on Amazon on eBay, in all these online marketplaces. It's like Voodoo sometimes. And I mean, no disrespect to Voodoo, I'm kind of talking about Voodoo in the sense of Voodoo economics. But it is completely unpredictable. You do not know what is going to work until you try and you fail, and then tweak it and succeed. So it's goals versus systems. And if it's goals versus systems, forget about goals, it doesn't make sense. You could have a goal to make $100 million dollars by next year, it's not going to happen. But if you have a system for making that work, you will get it herbal ecstasy, for example, did not happen as a goal. I had no goals. I slept in the back of a car for ages, reading the pages of thinking Grow Rich, and every success book Tony Robbins every success book I could find taped to the top of the trunk, because I'd moved the backseat now staring at these words, I did not have a goal, I was going to succeed. And then I created systems. The first batch of herbal ecstasy was a bunch of goo filled in a bag that was literally made in a bathtub. And it did not work very well. And it made people a little bit nauseous because you had to have so much other you had to have a fistful of these Chinese herbs. And we refined it. And the next one was 50 pellets that you ate, and it wasn't as bad but it was still a watt. And then the next one was 20. And those worked better, but still 20 pellets. And then we finally got an into capsules, and then tablets. And then we got it down to five small tablets. And people could choose to take one or two, take five. And it was perfect. But it was systems it was building out the systems, how are we going to sell it? Who are we going to sell it to what works and what doesn't. And then following through on that, following through on that feeling of success, and then scaling that. That's how I won. That's how you win. It's systems building the systems and your systems will change. That is the other thing that we learned through e-commerce through the work that we do on Amazon through the work that we do selling on eBay, Walmart, these online marketplaces is that you can have a system that works great that gets your product rank that gets you the best reviews from real reviewers and gets everything in in line and gets you selling tons and then tomorrow you wake up and it's not working. The system isn't working anymore. So you have to be ready to pivot. You have to be You ready to stop on a dime and pivot to a different system? But that's the beauty. It's like those little Russian dolls you know, it's a doll inside a doll inside a doll inside a doll. You need to have a system inside a system inside a system inside a system and then a system that governs at all. Okay, goals versus systems, forget about goals. Go with systems. see on the next one.
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